Psyber-X: What's Being Developed?

Direction and Roadmap

We were recently asked on Discord where the development was for Psyber-X. Because there has been so much movement in Serfdom & Sorcery, it's only right that people ask about updates on our flagship, Psyber-X. I will attempt to layout the groundwork for you in this post.


Of course, as I go through these timelines, you must realize that these are from our perspective. We are very positive about the future of our games; however, bear markets that last multiple years or other unforeseeable events could push our timeline back. In the mean time, we will do our best to continue our best foot forward.



Psyber-X remains a First Person Shooter (FPS) available to play for free to this day. All you need is to download Steam and to enter a key you can find on our Discord. You can play with your friends, as Psyber-X is a multiplayer game with many maps to choose from. In the coming months, though, we plan to hire more developers to work on Serfdom & Sorcery. As that game continues to grow (looking at expanding to more servers with 100s of thousands of players soon), we expect we can then redirect some of the developers' efforts into tying X to Hive. With Psyber-Decks also being a playable multiplayer game in its Alpha stage, we believe we're nearing the time when the database will be shareable between Decks and X, our plan all along. Decks has been the step we have needed to make that connection.

We believe it is possible (should S&S keep going the way it has been), that we will be able to turn our efforts toward X and Decks with more vigor than before. This will mean integration into Hive in Q3 or possibly Q4 2023. This means basic functions connected to Hive, like linking NFT ownership on Hive to NFT ownership in game. That's a first major step. Up until now, you've been able to play with all the toys we've incorporated into the game. Once the game is able to verify what you own via the Database we're nearing completion on building (yes, we're still working on it), your in game offerings will be limited to what you actually own in your Hive account. Fortunately, some of the lessons learned via growing pains we've learned in building S&S will shorten the adjustment in Psyber-X.



If we're able to achieve Hive integration of Psyber-X in Q3, we will have nearly full control within X to play to earn. Almost simultaneously, we expect Psyber-Decks to have the same functionalities. This means by the end of Q4, we hope to have X, Decks, and S&S fully connected to Hive with NFT integration into all 3 games.

Q1 2024

Should everything go as planned, we will begin work on Psyber-Sects or Psyber-Towers, or both. Psyber-X will have in game tournaments, where the tallies are made in game, rather than manually calculated elsewhere. We expect you'll be able to make purchases, rent, or even sell NFTs through our games.

All up in the air

Although we are positive in the direction we're going, again, all this depends on the market playing nice. You cannot hire developers if money is not being spent in and on the games themselves. We are providing excellent games with wonderful graphics all for free. That requires us to be very wise with the resources we gain and provide. Stand with us and support us in these endeavors and we will continue to provide the best games on Hive. We have already onboarded over 100 people in the last 1.5 months due to Serfdom & Sorcery. I expect the same will continue to happen as we move on with 3, 4, and even 5 games on Hive.


Through all this, we are also making connections with the Koinos chain and we have now started to receive data from other chains (developers kits) to assist us in connecting to their chains. What we've seen from this in the past is more people coming to Hive, our home blockchain. Keep supporting us and we'll keep growing Hive!

After all that we've heard in the last 2+ years from doubters to supporters, we just want you to hear this:

Thank you! Even more is coming soon! We've only just begun...

Are You Ready to Play?



If you're ready to play Psyber-X, all you need to do is go to our Discord to grab a free key for download.



If you're ready to play Psyber-Decks, all you need to do is visit the site and it is available to those who have purchased/earned a crate. You'll be able to jump right on in. Go there, check out the NEW CRATE OPENING GRAPHICS! Then bookmark the website!

Serfdom & Sorcery


Officially released, there's only one way to play this fun RPG that is free to play, play to earn as the first Hive Discord game. Go get some free DBLN!

Start as a Serf and work your way to being a KING!

Special Psyber-X NFT Packages

Also, there are 3 passes that provide package deals for Psybercrates and specialized NFTs. They are the Bronze, Silver, and Gold passes. With the help of @psybersects, you can use $Hive to buy 2 of the 3 passes (Gold and Silver). See the details about using $HIVE HERE



The Bronze pass is 1.5 avax to mint. It comes with a Legendary weapon. There are a limited number of these passes, but this is a guaranteed way to get a Legendary NFT. @bobthebuilder2 bought one just for the weapon.


The Silver pass is 0.05 Eth and comes with 10 Psybercrates (During the current sale: $50 value), 2 Legendary Weapons (value depends on market), and 1 Character (value depends on market).


The Gold pass is 0.3 Eth and comes with 100 Psybercrates (During the current sale: $500 value), 1 Character, 3 Weapons, and recognition as a Founder.

Once purchased, notify us on Discord with your transaction number/link and we'll put you on a list so you can get your Psybercrates and other goodies. We look forward to playing with you! If you are not able to buy any of the passes, LVL is available on the Hive Engine and in both the LVL:Swap.Eth and LVL:Swap.Hive Liquidity Pools.

Find NFTs and Psybercrates now on Psyber-Decks.

The price is temporarily reduced from $20 USD equiv to $5 USD equiv.

See details here.

Notable Posts:


Financial Links

Buying Level 1 (LVL)


Hive Engine

Buying Daubloon (DBLN)

Hive Engine


Psyber-Decks is a mini-game being developed to use Psyber-X NFTs. If you'd like to be able to play the game, you simply need to buy 1 Psybercrates on Psyber-Decks for the Alpha testing access. We have released access to the pre-alpha version of Psyber-Decks, where you can buy a Psybercrate here

Social Links

Psyber-X on Pimp Media

PsyberX on 1UP Zone

Hive account @psyberx

Twitter account psyberxofficial

Official Psyber X Discord Chat

Official Youtube account Psyber X

Official Facebook page Psyber X

Our Instagram account PsyberXofficial

The official Psyber X TikTok

Telegram Chat Invite

The Gaming Studio Royal Reptile Twitter

NftShowroom Psyber X Collection

Psyber X Blog on Reddit

Official 3Speak PsyberX Account

Whatsapp Chat Invite

Line App Chat Invite

image.png Cast.Garden Channel (Think Hive YouTube)

*There is nothing in this post that should be construed as financial advice. If you are looking for financial advice from a blog post, you're looking the wrong place. Talk to someone who has a fiduciary responsibility to look out for you if that's what you're looking for. Be responsible!

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