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....At least this can't be down voted, can it? ....What would a NAZI do ?


This just can't be down voted by the poison dwarf, can it?

I mean, according to his own 'principles'...
I think it's appropriate to flag posts/comments that deny well-established scientific or historical facts, October 2018

These figures are math - and established facts.
They are also of historical accuracy. (well, to the 3rd decimal point)
So there is no logical reason to penalize someone for stating such things, is there?
Only a low IQ moron would forgoe his own principles to be malicious, childish and petty, wouldn't they?

I'll be proposing a couple of things going forwards, - with or without help.
WITH help (as I propose), this behavior from poison dwarf, can not only be mitigated, but actually make a profit for 'us'.
Yep, honestly.
It could be potentially worked, so that every up vote the idiot gives to any 'non idiot sock puppet account' - could mean it actually going towards the 'lucylin 50% trading fund'.
That will depend however, on other people having principles of free speech without succumbing to cowardly, oppressive behaviors..

'...First they came for the Jews, and I did nothing...because I wasn't a jew.
Now they come for me and I have no one to help me...'

Now, as it happens, I do have some lineage connecting me back to Jewish decent - and thus, being at least partly Jewish - I feel that needle dick is actually 'persecuting the jew' for simply speaking out....)

Does this make him an anti-semite nazi?

(as well as piece of crap?).

Have a great Saturday, everyone! (except for the fascist micro penis).