Truth is the Literal Answer to Everything

Without truth, nothing works. We need truth in physics, or our cars don't work. We need truth in relationships or we kill trust. We need truth in math or our budgets are off.

What Elon Musk is doing with the "Twitter Files" is what the world (especially my own USA) has needed for a century--truth just loosed and allowed to lead where it leads. While governments like to say they are protecting us from the truth, e.g. we are "not ready' to know what "they" know about aliens, or are guarding "national security" (which is usually the security of the security state, not of a country's citizens) the fact is that truth is meant to be for everyone. We are meant to live in truth.

What I want is for truth to rain down like rain in the days of Noah. I want truth busting out all over the place until it has washed away the lies of the centuries--and especially the lies of the 20th and 21st centuries. We don't need to be "ready" for the truth. We just need to know the truth because it is true.

I would love to free Assange and Snowden, give them the Twitter Files, and let 'er rip! Maybe we will find out terrifying things about aliens from distant worlds. Maybe we will find out our favorite heroes are on Epstein's client list. Maybe we will find out how many assassinations were done by "the good guys." Even if the truth is ugly--and given the history of humanity, it likely is--we need it.

Biblically, only truth can ever save anybody. God doesn't hide truth in His Word. The Bible clearly tells us stories of prostitutes, adultery, murder, and more. Even when those are committed by King David or other prominent people. God doesn't like coverups, and in fact tells us what we have done in the darkness will be shown in the light. Why not come clean, deal with whatever the truth is, and move on in truth forever more? Is it really so hard? Unfortunately it is hard for people who hold political or financial power. Nevertheless, we must have truth or our nations will die.

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