Maybe I'll Post Something on 'HIVE' Today...???

Have you ever had such a thought as in the title of this post, then DIDN'T for one reason or another...?!?!?!?

THAT's how my mind has been acting for quite a while these days. I don't know why... Maybe it's because I've been more in a daze than usual? Maybe not, but probably so...

I don't know...

ANYWAYzzzzzzzzzzzz....... Here's some cute photos for you to take a gander at. It's a couple of new feral kittens that showed up at my house recently, that I've been helping out and trying to tame and train, so that I can find homes for them.

One Black One One Grey with Stripes

These pictures were taken a few weeks ago, in between traveling to visit sick family and friends in another State... Mostly a sister who is now under Hospice care. She's home now (by choice) and we have a visiting nurse to help out with her care.

Here's a Shot of the Kitten's Mama and Papa

Weird stuff has happened since I took these photos...

Mama has disappeared; I haven't seen her for two or three weeks now. Their daddy showed up with a limp and stayed in my back room for a few days to sleep and heal.

About the fourth day Speedy spent some time away, but returned looking like he was not feeling well at all... No limp, but walking real slow and seemingly weak.

He curled up on some cushions with the old man 'Mr. Reddy' who's been quietly spending his end days in my house.

I've been helping the old guy out for about twelve years now. He's feral and had a rough life getting injured multiple times in fights with other creatures. I'm amazed he's lasted this long. I saw him roaming around the neighborhood for about two years before he ever accepted some help from me.

He's gone now, of a few days ago...

I knew it was close. He'd been losing weight quickly and even let me pet him for the first time, as he lay resting.

After bathing his body in the tub, he was laid to rest near some of his old friends in my growing backyard pet cemetery.

Goodbye Mr. Reddy... I'll miss you... Rest well my friend...


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