HBD needs more exchange listing to gain popularity what it deserves?

Hello lovely people of Hive community. Hopefully you will be enjoying your life with good health and spirit. Friends, crypto coin observed massive dip during current dip. There was a time when global crypto market was about to touch $3 Trillion. Now, it is struggling to achieve $1 Trillion.


Despite the dip in global crypto market, stable coin performed well as a result 3 stable coins are included in top 7 crypto coins. This reveals the switching of asset from volatile to stable coin.

Hive stable coins HBD unable to gain popularity according to its potential. One of the main reason of low popularity of HBD is unavailability on top centralized exchange. Currently HBD is listed on 2 centralized exchanges Bitrex and Upbit. HBD needs more listing on centralized exchanges to become popular and easily adoptability. Listing of centralized exchange will help to solve liquidity issue and coin stability issue. Coin stability is necessary for the growth of coin. More backing will help to develop investors trust over coin as a result we have stability in coin worth. It is understandable that listing on exchanges is challenging but at the same time it is essentially required for the growth of coin. Beside, centralized exchanges, decentralized exchanges and multitoken bridge is another good option to promote HBD. Thankfully, decentralized platform like Cubdefi and Polycub is supporting to promote HBD. Now, one can easily transfer HBD into Binance Smart Chain and Polygon blockchain. Hope, more bridging option will ab available on couple of exchanges in future. Atleast it will help HBD to gain popularity. What is your opinion my friends?

This is it for my today post. Wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous life ahead. Have a nice time.

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