Bank Saving are worthless

There was a time when bank saving was considered a good choice of investment. Currently saving on bank is worth less. Although in my part of the world banks are offering remarkable 20% APR on investment. Huge APR but still it is worthless to accumulate your saving in Bank.


In last 15 months, our local currency has observed massive 70% dip in worth. Just 15 months ago Dollar worth was around Rs 180 and currently it is trading around Rs. 316. Such massive dip in currency worth make bank investment worth less as the dip in currency is much more than earning of 20% APR.

Now, the question arise in our mind, what is the worthy way of saving. In my opinion, there are multiple options available. So, selecting an option depend upon your choice.

One of the safest investment is in gold and other metals. Unlike, money depriciation Gold price observed massive pump in recent years. Saving in the form of gold is a good option as it is considered as a cash deposit, you can easily cash out when required.

Another way of saving your money is to invest in any business. Business will help to generate extra income. Even you can buy property with money. It's all depend upon you.

You can even invest in stable coins. Investment in stable coin is not enough you have to choose a stable coin which is offering decent APR on investment. We are lucky to have Hive platform stable coins HBD which is currently offering 20% APR on HBD investment. The beauty of stable coin is that it is relatively safe and doesn't fluctuate its worth with time.

You can also invest in alt coins but there is huge risk involved in investment in alt coins. Better strategy for making your saving worthier is to diversify your investment. What is your opinion my friends?

This is it for my today post. Wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous life ahead. Have a nice time.

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