The Value of Time and Consistency on Hive - Evaluate!



As I Learn I Teach!

This is one of a series of posts that I make for my Hive Students. Though my account is quite small, I have gained massive support and growth and I wish to impart this knowledge to others!

I wish to onboard 22 students this year and have each reach at least 50HP a piece. From there onwards, who knows how high they will soar?


Does Consistency pay off?

Let's get straight to the meat and potatoes of the post(or choose another main course if you do not like meat and potatoes). The main question as posed by the title is the value of time and consistency.

Someone asked me whether a person can make a living on Hive? The consensus is that is definitely1 possible, but that one of two things are required:

  1. A large enough capital investment from another source.
  2. A large quantity of time and attention - consistently posting and commenting.

I am very much part of the latter group. I do not have thousands of dollars to pump into Hive and all the wonderful projects on the blockchain. Instead, I am able to contribute my content and my time and attention as a curator.

So the question remains: Does hard work pay off?
A simple answer is: Yes. It does pay off.

But let's prove it with some good old stats!

Between the 1st of January 2022 and the 6th March 2022 passed 64 days.

I was on 313HP at the start of the year and on the 6th of March as can be seen here, I had reached 381HP.

Thus, 68HP was gained in 64 days. During that time I posted 28 times.

I am currently on a 25 day(and counting) streak of daily posts. So I post one post every day. I post a variety of content across a variety of different communities.

Since it takes 7 days before you get your final payouts, let us take those off the total and say we have 18 days consecutively to work with.

Well, I am now on 446HP. This means I gained a further 65HP in 18 days and 18 posts!

Consider the stats:

Non StreakConsecutive Streak
Number of days6418
HP Gained68HP65HP
Average gained per day1.0625HP daily3.6111HP daily
Number of posts28 posts18 posts
Average HP gain per post2.428HP3.6111HP

Thus I am happy to announce that hard work most definitely does pay off! Obviously there is a little bit more to it. I am comparing my average content with my own average content. Good quality content is still needed.

Not evert post you make will get a lot of votes and attention and the quality that you put into the work certainly helps, but sometimes you make more and sometimes you make less.

The point is that my efforts yield better results when working consistently! You make ZERO when you post nothing and you make SOMETHING when you actually make a post! It is truly that simple!


Support Structure

When you want to make what you do on Hive grow, the surest way is to make more friends. You do this by interacting with others and supporting them on their content!

When you are already well established I would recommend 50% of your time spent on other people's content and only 50% spent on your own. Therefore every time you make a post, there is a certain amount of attention you need to GIVE to others.

When you are new, well, nobody is going to even SEE your content nor care unless you make an effort to interact with others!

I would suggest that you make 80% of your time about others and 20% on your own posts. You will see the results in the amount of exposure you generate for yourself by truly engaging.

This brings me to my next point: Get involved in what you love.

It seems simple, but there is a simplicity to being true to yourself that makes this work easy. Get involved in people and things you care about or find interesting. That way you input in your comments will not come across as forced.

When you have a collection of friends all using Hive to share ideas, concepts and others it becomes an easy process.


I don't have time - they say...

This is the number one thing that I hear people tell me when I say they can blog on Hive and get rewarded as opposed to web 2.0 social media.

Firstly, I know this is untrue. I know my own habits and the habits of others. I get distracted and often fall into time management traps. Many people do.

We need to learn how to control our online addictions. One of the main reasons for this is that the big web 2.0 companies have literally psychologists and marketing experts to suck you into the content that they present. Once you understand how the content is crafted to draw you in then you can begin to work intelligently at preventing that from happening.

Finally, it does not take long to make a post. The other morning I overslept, I needed to get dressed, make sandwiches for myself and my girlfriend, make a Hive post and get to work. All in less than an hour!

So I made is simple for myself. I took pictures as I made the sandwiches and then put the following post together here!

The result of this post is that perhaps the kind that does not make massive amounts of crypto, but it is there and it got 71 votes already and counting. There fore I made something and not nothing.



That is the sum total of my lesson to all you wonderful people on Hive! Should you wish to pass on the same information to others, feel free to copy the link of the post and send to others, also, you can give them my referral for sign-up via the ecency front end here!

I am still looking for my 20-odd students to teach. If you would like me to help you with your progress on Hive, do not hesitate to make contact with me!

Cheers for now!



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