Celebrating the Milestone! Dolphin level Achieved!


Good day everyone! I am proud to announce and celebrate my promotion to the Dolphin level of Hive Stake!

It has been a long while in the making, but I worked my way there and now that I am here I can look back on all I have done and celebrate a good job done and look upward to the new levels that I would like to reach!

This is the first time that I have been to this level, I had power-downs in my past where I really needed a bail-out, but I finally got here!

I do plan on working the market once Hive goes back into Bull cycle, which might mean some power downs coming in my future, and that might bump me down to Minnow for a while when I do so, but I will be buying it back later. 😁

So I am a Dolphin, what now?

Now that I am a Dolphin I am of the 2029 Accounts above the Dolphin Level. I just got in past that point, but very soon I will be among the top 2000 HP Stakes on the Hive Blockchain.

Yes, the stake values go up sharply from this point forward, but I have swam against the current to get here and the higher you go, the faster the current!

Overall, its actually just a number and I will continue to post and engage like a beast to ensure that I keep my position strong on Hive.

Like I mentioned, I will probably do some market-related moves as the prices shift.

Right now the Hive price is low, so its obvious what can be done: Buy more, blog and make more.

Now is not the time to line the pockets. When the time comes, I want to be ready. My next step from here is to make sure that I have 1/13th Power Down ready that won't drop me from Dolphin to Minnow.

Other Rankings

According to hivebuzz.me I have the following Ranks:

#1220 in Reputation
#1260 in Posts
#535 in Comments
#657 in Replies

But above all, is the HP Rank:


Nearly in the top 2000!

The current #2000 spot person has 5904HP which is only 46HP away. I know, its just some numbers, but numbers inspire me! I want to go to the next level!

And of course, I am now 10.06% of an Orca...

So onward! To the top!

A Big Thank You!

Thank to all my friends and followers for helping me achieve this milestone. Thank you to every community and curator that have been selecting my content time and time again as good content that is worth boosting.

I try my very best, despite working so many hours to provide the highest level of activity on Hive with the best quality I can manage while working 12 hours a day at the harbour.

But this is also an example of how anyone can do it. If I can do it then so can you!

Upward and whaleward ho!

Thank you for reading!


Hive South Africa

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