Busy Bee Class – Tutorial 24.1 - Make a Post Schedule Routine


Hello everyone! This is a little teaching post for my Busy Bees Redfish and really for anyone else for whom this information might be useful. Even for seasoned veterans, we can lose our way and need a bit of a refresher to re-learn the ways of the blogger and the blockchain.

This is the first post of 2024 and thus is labelled as 24.1

One of the biggest challenges about blogging on Hive is consistency. You start your account, you learn how to blog - that is writing, adding pictures, providing sources and adding tags... then you post it and in 7 days time, the Hive blockchain rewards you based on the upvotes that you received.

This seems simple and in a nutshell this is all you need to know. Initially, the amount you make out of posts may be humble but as time goes by and provided that you add value to the blockchain with good content, the income grows and you can build a healthy income from blogging here.

But this often does not happen, because people are often a bit lazy and because people often struggle to maintain focus! You posted and were rewarded, but you are your own boss and most people fail to repeat the process.

The Post Schedule

To combat this, one effective method to combat this vagueness is to create a Schedule. It is up to you regarding the quantity of posts you want to post. The quality of a post should never be too low, but it is also better to post a little something rather than nothing.

You just cannot expect a lot from a short format post of course.

Length of post is something that I will cover in another tutorial. For now, let's focus on a Schedule.

I post 2x times a day, in the mornings it is a "content post" and in the evenings it is a hobby post about Warhammer. The Warhammer posts go towards my hobby fund. But all of it helps to build my account.

Now, I did not have a hard schedule for every single day but Sundays I do the Busy Bees community post and on Mondays I post a fiction post.

I have decided to write a full Schedule for myself to make it a bit easier for me to plan:

This is my personal plan. I will try it out.

For someone who is new it is NOT recommended that you post too much. You will likely burn yourself out and then greatly reduce your motivation to post, which is the opposite to what you are trying to achieve!

Post once a week if that is all that you can manage but then set up a day that MUST be posting day and then always post on that day without fail. That way, you post 52 times a year and your growth is far better than posting 6-10 posts and then stopping altogether for 4-7 months.

I have seen this happen over and over.

If you think you can handle a bit more than once per week then move up to 3 times week.

Something like this:

You can put those posts on any day but it is important to try stick to those days of the week and build up a routine. Should you fail to post one day, post the day after ant then stick to the rest of the week's schedule.

I am going to tag in all the Busy Bees Redfish and will keep pinging you till you become a Minnow, though you are allowed to stay on if you want.

Busy Bee Class Tutorial taglist:

If YOU want to join this taglist and be tagged when there is a new tutorial for Hive then leave a comment to this post and ask for me to add you to the tag list!

Thank you for reading!


Hive South Africa

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