SteemIt Witness List

On hearing that Justin Sun evacuated STEEM, I decided to take a gander at the SteemIt Witness List. The list is still dominated by the carnage left by the hostile takeover of the platform.

I kept my SteemIt account active as I didn't think it was worth liquidating. All of the witnesses I supported were terminated after the hardfork.

I haven't followed any of the STEEM witnesses. But, since this is a time of change for STEEM, I thought I would start investigating the witnesses. Perhaps there are some that are friendly to HIVE.

Perhaps some HIVE friendly developers might consider relaunching their witness nodes.

STEEM is in a time of change. Are there any witnesses on the SteemIt Witness List that you would support in determining the direction of the change?

The picture is just a fancy house that I walked by during one of my daily 10K walks.


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