Threads, The New Normal - Hive Life Changer

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If you have always wanted to be a part of the leofinance community but always thought the community of lions restricts you, I have some good news for you. Maybe no longer new as it would have been a few weeks ago but you never know.

The leofinanace community here on hive as most of us know or thought we knew it was a place for only posts related to crypto, finance, economics, and anything money. That is probably right but just partially. Short form content creation has been on the table for a long time now aimed at bringing in more users on hive onboard the leofinance train and of course those on web2.0. I say it has been on the table for a longtime because before the introduction of the new UI, short form content creation was already in play on the old one, just not like what we have now.

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The new UI for leofinance is focused on both long form contents for the money related
posts, blogs and vlogs for the community. However, the short form content creation is a different thing altogether. If you already use twitter, this should be very easy for you. The new UI is very twitter like but of course is far away from the centralization associated with
twitter. Decentralization is what will convince users from web2 to join our web3.0 platform. With leo threads, you can talk about anything you want to. You are not restricted and free to share your thoughts in a concise manner because it has a character limit. The aim here is short form content so you are expected to share what you have in a concise, precise manner which can be understood. When I say anything, I mean anything. Sports, music, motivation, daily life, money, school, relationships, comedy, and a whole lot you can think about can be shared on leothreads. The calendar threading is a great example of this. Today being Sunday, you can thread about #sundayfunday or #familysunday.


calendar threading

With leo threads, you just do not put up threads and have no engagement on it after several hours. Provided your thread is worth engaging, you will have some engagement on it. Hive is a social media blockchain and so engagement is one of the things it focusses it. Engagement on long form content from content creators is hard and that is why leothreads is in place for everyone to feel the social media aspect of the blockchain.

This leothreads is microblogging which quite frankly, is the future of social media. Aside the engagement aspect on threads which on its own is fantastic, you have the chance to micro-earn. Micro-earning on leothreads is an added advantage the leothreads have over other short form content providers which would surprise you how much you are making when you actually sit down to make calculations and think through. It is one of the things I like about leothreads in addition to the engagement.

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Micro - earning is not necessarily the only way because you have whales like onealpha.leo who vote a lot for making a comment like boom or anything of a thread he puts out. Amazing right? Tell me where you can get that. SLEO, the token for the leoverse is what is earned in addition to $HBD and hive power cryptocurrency. Leo threads run on the hive blockchain and as $HBD is what is earned from posts, you earn some too.

I also like how open everyone is at threads. I mean it did surprise a lot I am not going to lie. I did not expect so much. It is an open community with a lot of people ready to help. Users delegate resource credit to others everyday just so they could continue threading. The #zapfic challenge introduced recently is one I like too. It allows you to be a but more creative and continue someone else's story.

I have been very engaging on leofinance for the past weeks which initially is as a result of the leofincane zealy adoption campaign. It is no longer just due to that as I have found people on threads I can engage with and talk about normal stuff. The way $LEO has been performing on the market too is one of the things that has kept me bullish on $LEO. Previously, I just staked my $LEO to take part in the LPUD but I have realized holding and. staking SLEO has or
will have a lot of use cases in the future. My road to 1K leo power even saw a massive growth and I am currently at 1062 leo power. I have kept stacking and hopefully, 2K will come by the end of this month or the next.

Leo finance has a lot of plans and I really hopeful all will bear fruits. The new curation system is just one of them which provides a laid down plan for how curation is going to be done. Everyone has a chance to get more updates from leo.voter, the curation account. I also like the Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) plans we are reminded of everyday. It sounds like you could be getting some major super powers on leofinance with some of the NFTS. Also, the plans to still have a lot of threading is one I am intrigued about. The adoption campaign has seen a rise in users which
was the point anyway but will these users stop threading when the campaign is over? We'll have to see the plans are. That gets me very excited.

I would encourage everyone to use leothreads. You would not be disspointed. The Ul is a lot smoother now and will be getting huge updates this month to improve user friendly. It has become a lot more friendly with mobile. The whole idea about leofinance excites me now. A lot of ideas run through the heads of the team and that alone is worth being excited over.

Come thread with us, it is addictive in a good way.

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