What Are You Shilling This Bulls Run???



              So today this morning I woke up and saw all the whole market in red. Bitcoin lost around 15% before pulling back a bit, Ethereum 18%, ripple 19% and so on... The only thing left standing was dodge, which held on to the previous week's gains.


The correction was expected and in fact inevitable. We had a nice bulls run... may be too good for too long. Now the bears have taken over and I don't know what triggered it and how long it will last. But one thing I am sure of is, at least the real coins will pull back eventually sooner or latter.

I see this bulls runs as an opportunity to buy and shill my favorite coins. Whereas we all were loving the recent joy ride, some were(including me) were also complaining not staking enough. Well here is an opportunity...buy all you had wished for.

I always longed for Bitcoin, Cardano, Chainlink, Rune and AVA. The more the bulls takeover the more I continue shilling. It's just that simple. The only question is how deep my pockets are?

So...What about you???

What are you buying this bulls season???


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