WOO Now Offers OVER 28% APR For HP Delegation


WOO HP Delegation Rewards

Are you looking for an opportunity to earn more rewards for delegating on the Hive blockchain? Look no further! We are excited to announce the expansion of our delegation program with @wrestorgonline.

With this expansion, we have tripled our annual percentage rate (APR) to an impressive 28.58% for delegators. This means that by delegating your Hive Power to @wrestorgonline, you can expect to earn more than ever before.

We have also implemented a structured reward system that takes into account the projected utility of the WOO token over the next three years. This means that the rewards will be distributed in a way that aligns with the token's projected value. Specifically, 60% of the remaining rewards will be distributed during the first year, 25% during the second year, and the remaining 15% during the third year. This has the added benefit of providing a more consistent reward over time and aligning the interest of the delegator with the token's long-term value.

This delegation program is starting immediately and will continue for a period of three years. We encourage all interested parties to consider participating in this program and to take advantage of the increased APR and rewards on offer. Not only will you earn more for delegating, but you'll also be supporting a token with a bright future ahead. Don't wait any longer, start delegating to @wrestorgonline today!


Did you know we've recently launched our witness for @wrestorgonline, if you like what we're creating please consider supporting us by voting here.

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