NFT Leveling Coming to WOO


Introducing NFT Leveling in Wrestling Organization Online

We are excited to announce a new feature in Wrestling Organization Online - NFT leveling! This feature will allow users to upgrade their NFTs, making them even more unique and valuable. By burning lower-level NFTs, users will be able to mint higher-level NFTs with improved stats and moves.


How It Works

The NFT leveling system will be based on a tiered structure. Users will have the ability to level up their NFTs from level 1 to their max level. To level up an NFT, users will need to burn a certain number of lower-level NFTs. The exact number of NFTs required will depend on the NFT's tier and level.

Follow the below charts to determine how many NFTs will be needed to unlock their respective level. We will release a leveling front end once it has been tested soon. We will also be updating Gold Belt NFTs from today moving forward.

Silver Belt Leveling Chart

NFT Typelvl 1lvl 2lvl 3lvl 4lvl 5lvl 6
Alpha Common Wrestlers151101
Alpha Common Managers14691
Alpha Rare Wrestlers1295785
Alpha Rare Managers1173350
Alpha Epic Wrestlers19172635
Alpha Epic Managers146810
Alpha Legendary Wrestlers1357911
Rewards Wrestlers11223344555
Rewards Managers1246810

Gold Belt Leveling Chart

NFT Typelvl 1lvl 2lvl 3lvl 4lvl 5lvl 6
Alpha Common Wrestlers112
Alpha Common Managers112
Alpha Rare Wrestlers1122
Alpha Rare Managers1111
Alpha Epic Wrestlers11111
Alpha Epic Managers11111
Alpha Legendary Wrestlers111111
Rewards Wrestlers111234
Rewards Managers111111

Benefits of NFT Leveling

NFT leveling offers several benefits for users, including:

  • Improved stats and moves: As NFTs level up, their stats and moves will improve, making them more valuable in the marketplace.

  • Increased scarcity: By burning lower-level NFTs to create higher-level NFTs, users are reducing the overall supply of NFTs, increasing the scarcity and value of each NFT.

  • Uniqueness: Leveling up an NFT will make it more unique, as the improved stats and moves will differentiate it from other NFTs of the same type.

Front End Viewing Changes

On our front end, you will notice that Gold Belt versions of NFTs have been updated to showcase their upgraded stats. You may also notice a few other NFTs have been changed, including Silver and Gold Belt Enrique Alvaro. These changes were necessary and needed to maintain the integrity of the game and its balance.



We believe that NFT leveling is a game-changing feature that will add a new level of depth and strategy to Wrestling Organization Online. By leveling up their NFTs, users will be able to create truly one-of-a-kind assets that will stand out in the marketplace. So get ready to start burning those NFTs and creating some truly epic wrestlers and managers!


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