Introduction post|| A Cub Has Been Born.

During my first few months on the blockchain, I avoided the leofinance community like an actual plague. The main reason behind this was the fact that I was and still am a crypto rookie. I didn't want anything to do with crypto. It didn't take me too long to realise that I could keep running, but for how long?


I can't count the number of people who have tried giving me lectures on cryptocurrencies yet, all their efforts fell on deaf ears. From records, I'm a person who wouldn't learn anything until I have actually made up my mind to learn that thing. This is the same thing that happened when Hive was initially introduced to me.

One thing I love about the leofinance community is the speed with which they are advancing. I would liken it to that of a wildfire in dry land. One minute, threads are being launched and the next minute, a new UI is launched. The good part is, "they" are trying their best to carry everyone along.

Anyone who has come across me knows that I love to engage a whole lot but in all my months of engagement, I haven't seen a community with so many active users. Here is what I mean;


A community with 1618 active posters and counting. And to top it all up, you can't spend thirty minutes here and not learn something new; whether you're a rookie or not..

What would I like to learn?

The basic things a rookie should know and more

Normally, whenever I have to answer such a question, I would say "I'd like to learn everything" but that wouldn't be the case right now. The cryptocurrency world is really vast and trying to learn everything at once wouldn't make sense.

I've been doing my personal research on a few terms that I come across often( and the Leo glossary by @taskmaster4450 has been of great help) but learning is best when you these terms are explained to you by someone who has first hand knowledge of these things; and where would you find such people ? The leofinance community of course


What do I have to offer?

Honestly, I'm not one to scribble down long and drab articles on cryptocurrency or money. Most of the topics that are being discussed here are topics that people may have had forehand knowledge on, so I appreciate posts that actually have a touch of personality to it. Posts that would draw you in, word for word. It's easier to understand posts that come with personal views and as such, I'd be offering more of that. I try to air my views to the best of my ability each time I make a post and that wouldn't be changing anytime soon.

My crypto journey started on Hive

I've come in contact with people who had explored other platforms to the fullest before the inception of Hive but with me, the reverse is the case. Before I came across the leofinance community, the word cryptocurrency seemed very vague and boring but things are about to change. I hope.

With the new UI in position and the zealy contest currently ongoing, I decided that it's finally time to step out of the caves and actually step into the real world. I'm a passionate learner and explorer and I guess I wouldn't do so bad in the crypto world. I'm always open to corrections and constructive criticisms so please be my guest.

It's certain that I'm going to get a lot of headaches as I embark on this journey but I know it's a journey I wouldn't regret.

All the images above are screenshots except stated otherwise

With love, wongi ✨

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