Trying To Get Back On Track.. (I'm Back, I think)


Joe: 7/**/59-12/18/2022 (Don't Rest in Peace, Have a Blast)

As many of you know, I've been taking a break while caring for my husband, Joe, who was fighting Cancer. I found I couldn't focus on much else once he had a re-occurrence after spending a year Cancer free.

I've started to write this post the last few days, but I've been over thinking it. What to share, what to not share.. etc. My brain, my writing and general communication skills are a bit rusty.

In short, Joe passed away Dec 18th, he didn't die of Cancer, he died from Cancer Treatment. He decided to do Chemo once the Cancer returned in April and although we were able to keep the Cancer at bay, the damage the chemo did to his digestive system, made it impossible for him to eat and for his body use nutrition properly. He slowly wasted away physically. Mentally, he was in good spirits and felt he was going to win the fight until the end. He was brave and optimistic and strong. I never viewed him as stronger than I did in his last days and he was always a gritty, tough, lovable guy.

I walk away heart broken that I lost him, but also incredibility thankful I got to spend such an important part of my life with such an amazing man. Grateful for having an amazing loving family and I feel like we did and tried everything we could to fight. In the end, he is finally Cancer Free and I hope he's enjoying feeling strong, playing some basketball, and riding a mountain bike. It was really painful to see him so sick and weak at the end, although he walked through it was an amazing amount of acceptance and grace.

We'd been together for 31 years and together for 32, and the last few months of care were intense. I find myself foggy brained and a bit in shock, but at some point even if it is messy, I have to start putting things back together and work towards some type of new normal, but I don't know what that looks like yet.

Our family came home for the last couple of weeks, but they've had to get back to jobs and work and their own families and as the shock slowly clears, I realize, I need to get busy again and focus back on the next chapter of my life.

While I am obviously aware of the raging bear market, I've hardly had a chance to think or worry about it and by my estimates we are a full year in, which means it's about to get more interesting maybe with some ups and downs and not just downs.

I apologize for the odd announcement post, but I felt like I needed to break the ice again before getting back to business. In the next week or so I need to catch up on what's been going on with Leo and Hive and get my mind around the Bear Market and where we are, so be patient as I get back to speed.

Joe Freeman.png

Many Thanks to those who checked in, sent emotional support and prayers and who listened and offered to listen to me during the past 6 months or so. I've been really focused on the family, but your kind words, prayers and thoughts meant the world to me.

I don't know if I will choose to talk much about his in this environment, but felt that all those who were there to support us should know that your words and messages meant a lot to me.

I hope to be seeing you regularly again on the Blockchain.


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