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The Case For $0.10 Leo In The Bear Season.


Hey Everyone!

You know what Leo needs to do to raise the price? We need active users, posting, buying, powering up, trading and supporting other users.

As you can see the Leo Token is pretty steady with Hive's price. Flat lining and what makes that number go up? Demand! Some would like to burn tokens, but I'd like to see those tokens in the wallets of strong members of the community because everything gets better when we have more users. If the token is trading flat right now, it doesn't take a lot of demand to push the number up.

      1. Content Improves
      1. Curation Improves
      1. Variety Improves
      1. User Experience Improves
      1. FOMO Improves

Competition makes everything better. Khal and the Leo Team are improving the technology, by adding mobile devices, doing regular updates and putting their money where their mouth is in terms of adding to the team, delegations, support of the community and appreciating those that come and participate.

As more people gain a meaningful vote by staking our good project continues to get better and improve. As an early adopter of a serious project that is constantly growing any investor has the potential for a lot of upside.

This little graph come from Investopedia, while LeoFinance isn't a stock the same principles apply. So, ask yourself.. How is Leo doing?

We are equal right now with supply and demand, the team health is amazing and has never been bigger or harder working, we are set and focused on building during the bear season. Economic reports on users on Leo have been steady, slow growth, continued use, comments and engagement up. The Leo Team is supporting the community and most who are active on Leo appear to be enjoying the experience.

So why is anyone selling Leo at below $0.10? I don't want to shame or scold sellers, people have different financial goals, I just wonder how someone is so out of touch with the current price and where it is likely heading.

Let's focus on $0.10 which is nearly double, and then raise the number again, because it's good to set goals. Can the Leo Community drive the price up by engaging, creating visibility on Twitter, helping other users, encouraging adoption and supporting the rest of the community?

Honestly, I don't know.. What do you think about giving it a try? If nothing else focus on gaining UNITs *number of leo.. and wait for a market recovery.

Build your FOMO, Build your Wallet. I guess the point is.. Act like you own this community because you do. We can all participate and impact what happens with the community and the price of LEO.
