Crypto Cleaning and Access Notes - Updates For My Crypto Bags


It's unpleasant to consider, but if something suddenly happened to you, would anyone know how to get to and move your crypto?

The crypto markets are a bit confusing and I'm mostly holding right now. So, I needed a little project to keep me busy so I decided to clean up all my bags, take an inventory and make sure someone could get into my crypto if anything were to happen to me.

I decided to review:

  • What I hold
  • Where I hold it
  • How to Access it.

I figured I'd make some notes for someone to follow.

Armed with several devices, a note pad, a flash drive and a spread sheet, I made a list of places where I keep funds, noted how to access them and for my original project, what I was holding and current values.

One thing that always drives me crazy on Bittrex is not being able to get rid of dust and tokens that no longer trade there, but still show up in my holdings. For example I still had BCH, XRP, POWER Ledger and 2 other misc tokens that no longer trade there. For each discontinued token I either sent them to an exchange that does still trade them or in some cases where I had small balances. BCH and XRP sent to CoinEx to be sold. While I wasn't able to get rid of all the dust, I did make progress

As I said, I also wanted to make some notes about what I hold and where

While I didn't use this form, I did use a format something like it.

As I worked through the exchanges, meta mask wallets and Exodus I looked at each token I held and made a decision on keeping it or selling, transferring and making notes to give to my husband and daughter on how to access it if anything happened to me.


No one likes to think about these things, but let's face it do you want your crypto to get passed on if something happens to you or do you want someone to know how to get to it?

If you make a list of keys, wallets, cryptos for someone in your family don't forget to add things like: How to find it, where is it, are any additional passwords required to get to it. And how can they liquidate it.

For Hive for instance I made some notes about Keychain, Powering down and a list of accounts, and also mentioned Hive Engine, for Leo and other related tokens. For EOS, Notes on Scatter and site where someone can easily move EOS around.

Since I am often with my husband if anything happened to us together I thought one of my adult children should have access as well, but I haven't really figured out how to do this yet. I made a note to follow up with where to store it.

My project started out as a review of my crypto holdings and turned into thinking how someone could get practical access to my holdings if needed.

At the end of the day, I cleaned up my bags a little and realized it would be a shitty task for someone to try to follow and find my crypto piles if something happened to me.


Do you have a plan or tips for how you are handling your post life crypto plans? Not trying to be morbid, it's just a lot to consider.


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