Are you ready to Monster Raffle? Why a community initiative is ready to "ROAR" once again.....


In the realm of HIVE, where communities flourish and connections thrive, one shining example stands out. Some love us, some hate us, but what can never be denied is the #fact that the #SILVERGOLDSTACKERS community came together long, long before communities were "cool" and before they even existed on this platform... When steemit was still in its infancy, we found each other, through a mutual love all things shiny and precious, and began to dream up big plans and ways to help support members and ways for all of us to thrive on the blockchain whilst sharing news, information, topical debates and all things precious metals related.

For over a 6 years, this steadfast group of precious metal enthusiasts has weathered the storms of crypto bull amd bear market fluctuations and the evolving landscape of the HIVE platform. As an observer who occasionally lingers in these digital halls, I've witnessed their unwavering unity and selfless support, making them a cornerstone of what HIVE embodies at its core, and what other communities can only dream of becoming!

Venturing into their realm reveals a tapestry of initiatives, each contributing to a vibrant tapestry. Among these, a standout community initiative is the Monster Raffle, a community-driven fundraising endeavor that has rekindled its flame after a hiatus of a few years. Beyond the gleam of silver treasures, this raffle showcases the true spirit of the community, where every prize finds its origin in the heartfelt contributions of its own members. Picture this: a cascade of 50 troy ounces of silver, a combined total value exceeding $1000 US, all kindly donated FOR FREE by our members. This is no ordinary raffle; it's an extravaganza that consistently exceeds my expectations, and i set them pretty high if im honest.

Every single ounce of support generated, fuels the lease of HIVE POWER, an invaluable asset that propels the content creation endeavors of the community members on the HIVE platform. Run by the community, for the community, this initiative is devoid of profit-seeking motives, which i believe is the unique selling point of this initiative. Every single dime circulates straight back into the fold, fostering a cycle of growth that fortifies our shared love for all things shiny. The symbiotic relationship between giving and gaining is what keeps me firmly in their corner. Many dont understand that thise that give the most often recieve the most, and by giving to this amazing cause, we all stand to gain so, so, so much more in return.


But there's more that lures me back to this community-driven spectacle. The raffle isn't just a catalyst for empowerment; it's a testament to exceptional value. It's a manifestation of the belief that endeavors can be both enriching and affordable. What's even more remarkable, as i touched on earlier, is where the magnificent prizes for this community raffle comes from... The pockets of our members for the whole of the blockchain to potentially enjoy. You see, the raffle has a two fold purpose. The funds generated flood back to the community to produce high quality, precious metals content, AND its possible, just possible that a winner of a prize may never have held an ounce before. As a community we share with our stories with each other in hopes that we may on board others to our way of thinking. By holding an ounce of silver, you may just begin your own journey down the slippery slope that is precious metals stacking.

So, let us all rally together, celebrating the perseverance of #SILVERGOLDSTACKERS and their noble cause. As we try and breathe life into the HIVE ecosystem, we too can breathe life into the communities aspirations and goals, ensuring that our journey is one of continued brilliance and boundless success and spresding the benefits of investing in precious metals as a way to preserve multigenerational wealth and as a store of value.

If you dont own any precious metals, then why not tell us? As a community we encourage ALL engagements and encourage everyone to take the plunge and own at lease a sinlge ounce of silver or a fraction of gold. If your struggleing to find a safe and secure place to buy, reach out to the community as there is always someone willing to offer their time and advice to help you out.


40+yr old, trying to shift a few pounds and sharing his efforsts on the blockchain. Come find me on STRAVA or actifit, and we can keep each other motivated .


Proud member of #teamuk. Teamuk is a tag for all UK residents, ex-pats or anyone currently staying here to use and get a daily upvote from the community. While the community actively encourages users of the platform to post and use the tag, remember that it is for UK members only.

Come join the community over on the discord channel- HERE

Want to find out more about gold and silver? Get the latest news, guides and information by following the best community on the blockchain - #silvergoldstackers. We're a group of like minded precious metal stackers that love to chat, share ideas and spread the word about the benefits of "stacking". Please feel free to leave a comment below or join us in the community page, or on discord.


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