New Challenges? Riots? Disasters?


Uh Oh!

As dCity actually tries to simulate real world events, apparently there is no running away from the imperfection of this planet: the atmosphere, the humans and the unseen enemies.

So right now apparently before the season 3 cards are launched, the upcoming problems based on the simulation, due to a lot of homeless and immigrants, there seemed to be a high chance that my city could get riots from bad incitement! Not to mention natural disaster could lose power, and I currently haven't got enough cards to be all round ready for famine.

Am I to be panicky?


Certainly not!
Well, at least just try my best to prep up whatever I have.


Maybe getting an extra job center could be a good idea to beef up trainings for immigrants and homeless, hopefully they can become good workers or even talented professionals, before I decided to add police force inside.

But probably hospitals maybe a good idea.

Maybe season 3 cards might have medical staffs cards; but in the mean time, maybe saving up for apartments would do the trick too!

haha I have mixed feelings about the new challenges.

Let's hope I can accumulate enough SIMS along the way to get it ready soon!

Until Then


Stay safe, stay healthy, stay hygine

flatten the curve

Don't let COVID-19 roam for its next victim

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