Why i’m using LeoThread: LeoThreads my hive life changer!

How thread changes my hive life

Honestly, the microblogging platform #Thread by leofinance has helped my journey on hive blockchain. Having recently joined the platform with my referral as only close friend on the blockchain, I was a bit worried not knowing when and how i am going to get that connection of making more friends on the platform. Thankfully thread came through, yes thread has given me the opportunity to connect to other hivers earlier than expected. To mention few i can now thread about football and other related topics with the likes of @rmsadkri & @yahuzah which i never thought would have happened if not for the help of Leothread.

Not to even talk about the earning part? Thread is such an awesome web3.0 creation where users like me earn Leo tokens just from my active engagements which is pretty incredible, so to me threads has significantly changed my hive life earlier than I thought.

What do I like about Leofinance Plans?

You know at first having recently join the platform i never thought i would be this attached to the Leofinance community. I thought i would just do me by bringing in my original contents to the community and hope for the best. But to my surprise i realized i came to a community who’s got a plan for now and the future, one of the many plans could be seen with the Leofinance Adoption Campaign on Zealy. Meanwhile another plan and goals is to reach 5k monthly active users which i know would be reached(am proud to be one by the way). Looking at all these plans make me like the community even more because i could potentially see the future is brighter for us all.

What gets me excited?

I will say it’s the brilliant idea of the community/team for creating such an awesome campaign on Zealy which is by far an inspiration to me. My beliefs is what we’re witnessing currently on Leofinance zealy campaign is just a tip of the iceberg knowing something better than this can come in the future and that’s worth to be excited about.

Also, the use of thread is an exciting one for me, knowing i can gradually gather up more Leo tokens with my engagements on the microblogging platform is exciting.

Why are you bullish on Leo?

It’s no brainer. I believe in the community, in their vision, their goals which has inspired a lot of people by joining the community. So i’ve found every reasons to be bullish on Leo and from one of my previous posts, where I’ve made myself a challenge of acquiring 300 Leo either by the once earned through engagements or by buying in other to participate at the next #LPUD shows how determined I’m to support the growth of the community while also getting back In return.

Why are you using threads?

Obviously thread is a platform to be where there’s no place to be. I am using thread because it’s a way to engage and socialize with people by exchanging meaningful ideas and discussions. Ever since I’ve been on thread it’s has encouraged me into sharing my thoughts and opinions on a wide range of related topics.

Most importantly thread is a platform that is built on the principle of rewarding users like you and me for our contributions.

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