RE: NO Powering Up on HivePUD & NO Rewards for March

Yes, you are right! We know that HBD compounds every 30 days, but we did just a quick, rough math.

There is also a very good post published about a week ago that explains a pretty detailed (even going through history examples) what you just said. So currently, there is no panic that an HBD haircut will happen soon and overnight.

Despite that, and from our project perspective, we are, at the moment, somewhat forced to focus primarily on our HP, as otherwise, we wouldn't have the "fuel" to support the publishers. And that's our main goal (especially, although not solely, having in mind newer Hive members).
Besides that, if we all abandon HIVE (and HP) and move our funds to HBD, the blockchain might lose its primary purpose or maybe even some sort of its functionality.

On the other hand, we also don't want to put all our eggs in just one basket. Therefore, we are trying to "juggle" by distributing our investments in different promising projects as on-chain (including HBD) the same off-chain, and balance them all together as best we can and know.

Apart from all of that, thank you very much for all the inputs that you shared here, as we find it valuable food for thought.


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