The risk of betting on the futures market


Hello. The futures market has become very popular over the years and many people have made extra money by betting up or down, but the losses are more than the gains I still haven't had the courage to use futures to trade because I I appreciate how little money I earn and I would not like to lose it.

A worthy example is a piece of news that I saw this morning on YouTube where it said that a Korean Streamer had lost 1 million dollars because of the future, I think he is one of many users who lose money daily in the market. I am one of those who think that the traditional market is the safest way to invest as long as our investment goes to a cryptocurrency that has a good reputation such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, but for us small investors investing in steem or trx would not be bad idea.

So far this year I have read more than 60 news related to the million-dollar losses caused by the closure of banks in the United States and millions after millions have been settled in the futures market thanks to these news, the futures market is the way to earn more money quickly but it is also a way to lose it in a matter of minutes.

In my case, I usually keep my money in stablecoin so that it does not devalue, since the national currency of my country loses value every day with the US dollar, since I do not have a national bank that does not allow me to have my money stored in dollars then I resort to having it in USDT.

HBD/Hive is also a way to have money stored since it is not a volatile currency like Bitcoin and Ethereum usually are, I'll see what shape my financial future takes at the moment I'm focused on working hard. And stay away from the market at times since it has remained somewhat stabilized.

One way to not risk our money in the futures market is by staking. In my opinion, this is a way for our money to work for us, without running the risk of losing money.

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