New Month, Week Investment in steem-engine tokens - 80k SPORTS Acquired

Already, I've made my first investment for the month, week and day as at 12:58 am today. Quite an early time to have started the new day and new week. Investment is actually what keeps steem blockchain.

In as much as we have users who are here to catch the fun and maximize the social life, this is well backed up by some financial blessings. This makes investors as the life-wire which keeps the system going and booming.

To be an investor in steem is to be willing and having the purchasing power to buy steem tokens and power them up for curation purposes. Investors are those who believe in the future of steem and are ready to take the risk of holding down their money.

So it is with steem-engine tokens. Investors are those who believe that the tokens would have some great value and they decide to purchase a good amount of the tokens and power them up for curation. The moment investors begin to give up on a token, we see a huge selling pressure in the market and that makes tokens loose value.

I started the new day and week with 3 steem investment which was able to purchase about 80k SPORTS. These transactions were made using the sports curation account and via the interface.

SteemP deposit link and SPORTS purchase link

Hoping that the new week will be highly engaging and we'll have good reasons to acquire more tokens. Certainly, though the days may be low, I see SPORTS get to $0.01 in the near future.

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