RE: #saturdaysaversclub | Year 4 Week 4 | I win the SPI lottery - 109 HIVE!

I've had a fair bit of experience in a lot of different diesel/liquidity pools, so I could likely give some useful perspectives. The best place to look for detailed information about the various pools and what they offer is BeeSwap. When you're looking at the pools there, just make sure to remember to choose the fully-expanded view, which will show what liquidity rewards a pool gives daily, as well as the APR, and the number of days until the rewards end. I usually only choose pools that provide daily rewards, unless there is some notable benefit, such as with the SWAP.HIVE:VOUCHER pool which pays out in SPS that is claimable on

If you have any questions @shanibeer, I'd be happy to answer them, if I'm able! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

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