What a silly coin πŸ˜‚ 🦧

I was once again looking for monetary oddities to add to my collection and I just came across what is probably the silliest coin ever πŸ˜‚

Just look at this silly piece:


A 10 pfenning (or whatever it's spelled πŸ˜‚) from 1920.

Apparently it's some sort of emergency money issued in 1920 by the City of Koblenz, which back then was occupied by the French after world war I.

The ape like figure is the "Augenroller". Known in English as "eye-roller", it's a public clockwork figure that rolls its eyes and sticks out its tongue every half hour or so.

Here's a quick video showing it in action:

The clock is located in Florin’s market in Koblenz and according to local lore it represents Johan Lutter, a 16th century robber that was sentenced to death and lost his head in 1536.

In a way, the clock immortalizes the final moments of Lutter

This depicts the gruesome yet morbidly comical expression Lutter supposedly made in his final moments. Some legends even say he continued to roll his eyes and wiggle his tongue after his head lay severed from his body. source and further reading

LoL, what a guy πŸ˜†

The German Wikipedia has an entry on him if you would like to read more about his life.

There also seems to be another variation, this one is less silly, more scary


I have found the first piece one ebay, it goes for 1-5 euros.. I will look in some other sources I have tomorrow and probably order one for the lulz, maybe do a post again when I get it on my hands πŸ˜‚

Both coins are nothing special by the way, just good ol iron. Something expected considering they were issued as emergency money.

Anyways, since I am in the lookout for weird coins and stuff, feel free to let me know in the comments below if you know of anything that might be off interest to me.

In other news, it looks like Leo finally started to share their revenue with Leo stackers and content creators! Got about 350 "free" Leo a couple days. Sounds like I need to reopen my Twitter and help pump those traffic numbers! Ok, that I can do.

Next payment is gonna be on 1st of Feb, and every 1st of the month after. Keep it up @khaleelkazi!

Ok friends, this is it for today 😁

Fun Silver Posts
Enjoyed the post? Here is some more fun silver/numismatics themed content I have written in the past I think you will enjoy:

Re-blog Lottery
Here's a quick treat if you reached all the way down here. I will be giving 5 Hbi (total of 10) to two lucky winners, just re-blog the post for a chance to enter. No vote or comment required but I would be lieing if I say I don't like those too πŸ€—

The last time's winners are @summertooth and @hetty-rowan. I will be getting their hbis soon after publishing this post πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

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