Holy Silver - Part 7

Holy shit! Part 7 already! 😂

Today's silver piece of Greek Orthodox iconography is a really interesting portrait of Jesus:


As you can see he is surrounded by 12 sexy old dudes, which are the 9 Apostles and 3 evangelists.

But wait there's more!

There's also this sexy old dude and a pigeon on top of him



Which of course represent the Holy Father and the Holy Spirit, which along with Jesus make the Holy Trinity

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity is the central doctrine concerning the nature of God in most Christian churches, which defines one God existing in three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial divine persons:God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit, three distinct persons sharing one homoousion (essence) "each is God, complete and whole." source and more info

Let's see some more details from up close:




Great craftsmanship!

In case you wonder the tree structure is a Vine.

This icon is essentially a remake of a popular Christian painting from the 1600s known as "Christ the Vine" by Victor. Wikipedia has a great article about it's history and symbolism in case you want to learn more! Just click here

Ok, moving to the back we have the COA which informs us that this is 950 silver


Precious holy image made of pure silver, 950 degrees proof, which depicts traditional byzantine hagiography. Exact copy of Byzantine art. Free for export

Ok, that sums today's great piece.

If you liked this post feel free to check the links below for some more great pieces from my collection:

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