💰 How Did You Get Into Gold/Silver Stacking ? 💰

So, @thisismylife made this call to action post the other day asking the community the question below:

FUkUE5bzkAZT3HzV5tJDiU2ik81PCd4JCyhWnRcDN8XJsVFY3UNB8DCcsk5xcvtnqNaM6D2eExE4UMYYcoZ1C3tK6w2mFAjg2FvGR5H8mNrRVKXGavJbbyxpqwqztLVRi51RRZtk7jgFUGrFF5famVW1T78SGPBnW56W (1).png

Oooff, she even made the question in the form of a picture which saves me the trouble of finding a thumbnail pic for my post, lel 😂

@silversaver888, @bitcoinman, @saffisara, @trumpman, you are all invited as well..

I even got a personal invitation, so I can't refuse, can I?

So what got me into silver stacking?

I guess I always had an inclination for precious metals...I mean who doesn't love some shiny?

But it wasn't until I got introduced to the #silvergoldstackers community about three years ago that I got the stackitis bug.

Coincidentally, I was also looking for a new fun hobby or whatever to post something truly original here on hive, instead of the usual boring shit most peeps do ( I am guilty of that too) like rehashing the same old crypto news again and again.

Back then I was a real pleb when it came to silver, I just had 3 or 4 silver coins I had from an old family coin jar.

So I bought my first silver coins, and then some more. And then some more.

And before I knew it I was hooked, looking for deals, auctions to snipe, new places to buy etc etc.

As to what I stack... Generally I am a cheap fuck so I try to close deals as close to spot as possible. This is why I am stacking so many German commemorative coins, they are by far the cheapest silver I can find in my little corner of the world. And those eagles are just sexy. But over the course of the years I have scored all kinds of cool pieces from all countries _

The greatest part though about this hobby is that the #silvergoldstackers community is probably one of few real communities here on hive.. Things like the annual secret Santa or the annual monster ruffle, you won't see anywhere else. Plus I can't even remember all the random gifts I have sent or received via mail with peeps here. It's a small but vibrant community, something hive largely lacks.

Anyways that's pretty much how I started stacking and as long as I am financially ok, will continue to do so. I don't have any plans to sell anytime soon, unless silver really moons for whatever reason, then maybe I'll buy myself something fancy like a harley. But it's there somewhere hidden... A personal emergency atm for a rainy day or something my kids will inherit only to blow on hookers and cocaine. And slowly but gradually it gets bigger. Funny how I barely had an oz.. I am probably over 200 oz by now ! :)

Ok @thisismylife I think I answered your question.

Now excuse me, I have a new parcel to go and take and open. And I think it's gonna be an epic one! But that's a post for tomorrow! 🌝😍

Stack on!

Fun Silver Posts
Enjoyed the post? Here is some more fun silver/numismatics themed content I have written in the past I think you will enjoy:

Re-blog Lottery
Here's a quick treat if you reached all the way down here. I will be giving 5 Hbi (total of 10) to two lucky winners, just re-blog the post for a chance to enter. No vote or comment required but I would be lieing if I say I don't like those too 🤗

The last time's winners are @pepetoken and @seki1. I will be getting their hbis soon after publishing this post 🥳🥳


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