Imagine having 50 Bitcoins!

True story!

Yes, I told it many times here on this blockhain with comments or even as a part of my posts.
I've had my first real crypto back in 2012.
50 BTC! Sent from a friend in the USA. He told me to HODL & that's the future!
but I got curious, if there's a way to cash it out and to prove its efficiency...

Make it work for you!

Yeah, I was never rich actually and didn't have the mentality of a millionaire, so I had to see it for myself and just in the same month of March back then I tried the most used exchange by that time - the infamous Mt.Gox.
Got my 100$ in cash for 20 of my #Bitcoins. I was very happy to work this out :)
You can ask me: WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THEM = 30 BTC
Well, I was ready to experiment and try out all of the function there was as: wallets, websites and mostly lost them in the black hole of ponzi schemes, stupid bets and fake websites.
The infamous Mt. Gox exchange even got hacked 2 years after that and I lost my 0.05 BTC there. Not a big deal for only like $40-50.
Turning back to the last #AllTimeHigh this is equal to $2000.
Yeah they've sent me a postcard from Japan, if I want to participate in the court for this money.. and the chance for me to have them back was very minimal, because of all verifications and complications... not worthy!

Many, many times I haven't been the best trader..... it's a learning process... and it's a brand new ability for my psyche.

other cryptos

One time back in the years they sent me other cryptos

  • 1 DASH, when it was around $160 and I cashed it out to go to a dentist. Then the peak came after two months and would have $1700 or so...
  • 100k DOGE for stupid bets and messing around with wallets. They were nothing. Just two months after that costed above 1000 dollars. Look at the graphics by now:
    I could buy some DOGE for 20 satoshis each, 4 days ago. Missed the opportunity again.
  • almost the same story with with XRP (ripple).... ugh :(

well then...

The scarcity mentality and the fear of risking in the right moment still perpetuate my real success. And I mostly live off my crypto earnings, no matter how low they are.

The conclusion.

Since the beginning of my #crypto journey I believe that it needs to be part of your everyday life and to convert for goods and living.
It's just economics. That's how we create a real value for our coins

YES! HODL is awesome!

In case you earn a good salary and you have a normal job, or you just have enough money...


good luck! ;)

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