Become a Mentor for the TON Accelerator Mentorship Program

The TON Accelerator Mentorship Program is designed to guide and support builders and developers within the TON Ecosystem to help them build better products, attract audiences, and increase their profitability. It’s powered by a network of seasoned experts and innovators, and now you can become one of them.

Our mentors offer their rich experience across diverse fields, voluntarily dedicate their time and expertise, and foster the growth ofTON startups by offering a range of opportunities.

Unparalleled support for early-stage projects

As a mentor, you decide in what shape or form you will help projects grow, but we’re mainly looking for mentors who can provide:

  • Expert guidance based on personal experience and deep industry knowledge, offering valuable advice tailored to the challenges faced by individual projects
  • New connections, facilitated through networking, help projects form beneficial relationships and connections within the industry
  • Deep industry insights to provide a comprehensive understanding of market trends, challenges, and opportunities to ensure projects are well-equipped to navigate the Web3 landscape.

Apply Now

Our Goal: Fostering Ecosystem Growth

Our mission is to curate a diverse group of experts committed to driving the TON Ecosystem forward. This mentorship program is designed to leverage these professionals' collective knowledge and experience to provide startups with unmatched guidance and support. By helping them navigate challenges, optimize growth, and achieve their potential, we aim to solidify TON's position as a hub of innovation and success.

Help us by becoming a part of the program and applying now. We carefully review each application and process them as fast as possible. The onboarding process couldn’t be any simpler, and our team will ensure you’re fully briefed on everything you need to know.

If you apply and receive the invitation to join the program, you will be invited to a Mentor Induction Session, where the team gives you a comprehensive introduction to the program’s processes, goals, and roles. You will then have the opportunity to choose your preferred mode of interaction and meet with other mentors and the program team regularly to discuss feedback, interests, and learnings.

Benefits of being a TON mentor:

Being a mentor in the TON Accelerator Program is not just about giving. In return, the team behind the accelerator will help you grow your knowledge and connections.

  • Networking & Growth: You will gain access to an expansive network of professionals, founders, investors, and innovators. This allows you to refine and expand the power of your network and meet interesting people, including potential future business partners.
  • Visibility: As a TON Mentor, you will gain exposure to the entire TON community through partnerships, AMAs, and promotions highlighting your valued contributions.
  • Exclusive Events: You will enjoy invitations to exclusive events from TON Foundation and its partners, private seminars and gatherings, along with potential paid opportunities to monetize your expertise.
  • Other Benefits & Perks

Are you ready to help us build the biggest Web3 ecosystem in the world?

Apply Now

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