My 2022 Hive Goals - Weekly Status Update #1

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A good first week of the year!

To keep track of my progress regarding my Hive goals for this year, I decided that I should start with a bang, making sure that I publish enough content to have a shot at good rewards and make sure that I will stay on track with most goals, giving some priority over others each week. Which ones get priority, depends on the situation of the market and my earnings that week. I'm a sucker for spreadsheets, but I also suck at creating them, usually, these things evolve over time and I guess by the time it's summer, I will be happy with the looks of my sheet. LOL. Until then, I'm just going to deal with what I've created.


I wanted to have a column for the token, 2022 goal, the USD weekly value, weekly goal (tokens), the weekly amount staked, remaining until goal and a new weekly goal. Let's elaborate on the USD weekly value, this one is added for my own clarity so that I know how much to expect to spend that week on each goal, making it easier to decide when to buy X or Y when a payout is received. The new weekly goal is added so that I can see if I'm on schedule, falling behind or being a champ and can relax a bit more if needed some weeks.

In the green weekly goal column, you can see which weekly targets I hit this week, $BRO excluded as I will take care of that once a month.

You may also have noticed that there are two coins there that I didn't have on my Hive goals list for 2022 in my last update: DEFI & LVL:

Defi came to my attention shortly after the last update, and while there was a deadline to buy it, I gave it priority over other coins the first week. I will only add 150 more DEFI probably, and then just sit back and collect the rewards for 30 weeks.

LVL from @psyberx also came to my attention recently and I decided that I wanted to add this goal in case I like the game when it's released. My weekly goal was much lower than I bought this week, but that's because I want to reach the goal much quicker than the end of the year.

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Hive Power

I didn't hit my weekly Hive Power goal, I expected this to be honest as there were fewer posts due to the holidays. This doesn't matter as I have these rewards pending currently:


If all goes well, I will be back on schedule by the end of next week. I'm not worried too much about this goal, as long as Hive doesn't hit $5 very soon, I should be able to earn enough Hive on average each week to reach my monthly goal at least.

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I removed BRO from my weekly target list because I decided to accept one payment a month in BRO for the social media tasks I do for the Mancave & CineTV. This will probably make me go beyond my goal this year and it gives me the opportunity to focus on the other goals in the remaining weeks. One big advantage (if the price stays right, lol) is that I will have much more $BRO by the end of the year than the goal of 250 I set. That's a win because of the daily dividends that are paid out holding BRO.

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For SPS I decided to try and accumulate more than my weekly goal whenever I can. This means more farming rewards each day (meaning more compounding) as well as more vouchers being dropped in my account because of the higher stake. And as they will be dropping the airdrop for another 6 months or so, it's smarter to focus on upping this stake rather sooner than later.

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My tentative goal of 10000 CTP for the end of the year is one that I will most likely edit over the year depending on the market and the price. I have a very low weekly goal, but I'm going to buy more in the next week because it came to my attention that @ctpsb.ctp curates stakeholders that have a certain amount CTP in their account, so I'm going to aim for Tier 2 at least in the next week.

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Leo Power

To make sure I reach my weekly goal at least, I decided to take back the LEO delegation to @meowcurator, which only earned me about 0.05 LEO each day. Now I use these for curation on @thisismylife.leo again and to add more to my daily LEO earnings, I upped my Hive Power delegation to @leo.voter with another 100 HP, currently, 851 HP of my 1551 HP is delegated to Leo.voter.

This is good for about 2 LEO rewards each day. Thanks to my post earnings and these daily rewards, I've reached my weekly LEO goal and even earned a bit more as a bonus. Next week, my weekly minimum is a tiny bit lower. Mind you, I will try to keep earning at least the weekly goal I set at the beginning of the year so that when there are setbacks/tough weeks, I have a bit of a headstart.

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HBD savings

The first week of January, I didn't earn that much as I had fewer posts in the last week of December due to the holidays. I noticed that my weekly goal was probably not going to be reached and made the decision to first focus on other things that I didn't want to miss and will add the HBD liquids later this month when I hopefully received a few bigger payouts. I will catch up before the end of the month to reach the monthly goal as I'm determined to have at least 2500 HBD savings at the end of the year.

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I'm 100% motivated to keep building

Not only am I writing my ass off to earn more rewards, but I'm also constantly evaluating what I should buy when my next payout is due. I love juggling numbers and being on top of them makes me even more motivated to push myself a little harder because a good headstart at the beginning of the year means that I don't have to stress when there's a week with fewer earnings. Hopefully, this is not going to happen anytime soon as I'm having too much fun hitting targets!

I'm going to keep stacking and wishing you a great day and week ahead!

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Previous Hive Goals updates

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Let's Connect

If you want to connect, you can give me a follow on my socials. For inquiries, you can send me a direct message on Discord.

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