Play long - if not interested

Hi Hives,

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I do little bit of trading and investment. I am a dipidy dip buyer, because as it says that if you can't think about an opportunity at low, then making an opportunity at high is a flawed descision. I meet people and sometimes few of them are really not interested in understanding the underlying principles of crypto market rather they simply want to invest their money without getting in to nerves of it.

To such person I always advise that scalping, shorting are not meant for you. If you even want to try, try it with smaller portion of your pocket, because these two methods requires active interaction with the crypto community on the internet. You miss one info and you will see a bloodbath everywhere.

Here are my suggestions for such people who want to invest but not interested in day-in, day-out follow ups.

Play long

As clearly mentioned, you have to play long. Don't open short orders unless you are very confident and know that the bottom is right now in front of you. When you are playing long, you don't have to keep yourself updated every 4-5 hours rather you have to keep an holistic view and go through news or headlines of any international crypto site. You do not have to read word by word or follow up the charts. You just have to make an understanding out of the article that whether it is signalling red for crypto market or everything is fine.

Bloodbath is your entry

These days we are observing bloodbath frequently, market is too much volatile at the moment. It dips for a session and rises another session. When market is volatile, and you want to plan for an entry in to the market, then when the market is correcting itself or a bloodbath is evident, open the buy orders. Bloodbath is the bottom and you may not find again soon so make the most out of it.

DCA is your way

Don't put your entire money in a single buy order, rather purchase it bit by bit. For example if you have $100, then open an order for $30 purchase at the current price. Then again after a day or a session where you find that price is getting lower, you place another $30 buy order. And you can continue till your entire portion of money is invested which is $10 here. This way you will not face most of the dip effects even if market is crashing further because at a point, market is going to form support and get stable.

Stay away from shitty coins

Always go for small margin profit and don't try to make plans to shoot yourself to the moon in your initial orders. You are new, you can easily get influenced, you have to make your view out of this market. Your view is going to be final and believe me having faith in your choices or decisions will going to pay you one day. Don't get lured behind any coin or advertisement. Try to stick with strong-valued coins like matic, doge, eth, btc. Price doesn't matter much when you invest in a good project or coin, price will eventually change as market proceeds.


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