RE: How To Get Financial Freedom Quicker?

Earn More Money

Working more hours and harder just to get more money is a NO for me. I see this as one of the ways many people do. But for me, I would not just sacrifice my health for money. I would rather invest my extra income instead. It will compound overtime. 😊

Spend Less

I love this way of living. And it goes with earning more money. Not because we have money now doesn't mean we are going to look where to spend it. This is a habit of mine before but realize that it is the wrong way of thinking. Most of times, the amount of money we receive at the end of the month is NOT that matters but the amount that is left. 😊

Doing What you Love

I believe this is important when doing something as it will be our driving force in achieving something. Even if there would be hardships along the way if we love what we are doing then it will push us to keep on going.
The only disadvantage of this that I see is we might end up hating what we love. Just imagine doing things over and over again - like a game tester who repeatedly play the same game level over and over again.

These are just my humble reflections on your post. :)

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