What next with the finances in Nigeria

Hello everyone, it another new day here in the leofinance community. Today I decided to talk about this topic which came across my mind just when I was wondering what will the finance of Nigeria be. Nigeria experience the news new government some days ago after the election has been made some times back. Ever since the election has been made, the new government has proposed removing subsidy from fuel which they think will help the masses.


Some day after the swore in, the price of fuel moved high even far beyond reasonable doubt. The price of fuel moved from 190 naira per liter to approximately 700 naira per litre. When this started, the people were actually thinking it was still a joke not until it now began to circulate around different countries.

My question is, how does an average person cope with the hike in price of fuel? Or someone who has not be able to get enough money and need to use fuel either for job or transporting goods. In the process of this, the price of other things has gone up. I am not diving to that aspect today. The aspect I am going today is the price of fuel and transportation.

Now, the price to board taxi has been inflated. Imagine paying for transportation at a certain amount and now you noticed you have to pay 4 times the price which you have to pay for the normal price you are paying before..This is actually a poor act which saddens my heart and I find it so bad.

The finance of everyone needs to be put into consideration because not everyone has the abilities to move far ahead of the hike in price of things sold around the world.. Now, going out to do daily activities has become so hard because no one could go out to carry out their daily jobs because the price of transportation has gone too high..

I hope the finance aspect get a strong amendment very soon so that the masses won't suffer a big trauma and the financial aspect of the country won't become too worse .

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