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Not-a-Lottery Rules update - effective 28-02-21

Hello dear players and supporters,

I am really happy with the trajectory of the Not-a-Lottery. We started with about 5-7 players and after two weeks we have doubled to 10-14.

banner made by @wrestlingdesires with a picture from pexels

Support of the project

We have rather stable support with a few outliers that result in less than a 1 Leo price pool. I want to shout out @trumpman , @no-advice and @oakshieldholding for being the main contributors to the Not-a-Lottery. Two of those just sponsor and don't even play, well at least normally, I just saw @trumpman entering his tip on the last Not-a-Lottery. :D
Of course I am grateful for every vote and every player!

New timeframe

Never change a running system, but I already ran into the problem that my buddy @kryptodenno , who I stole the whole idea from, can't participate due to the time frame. Also 12:00 is a time where I usually go out for a walk, have a meal and sleep, while I sit around bored in the morning. The new time for guessing the price will be 10:00 am Berlin time. I will try to release my post asapat, so around 10:15. The new closing time for the Not-a-Lottery will be 23:00 Berlin time, I didn't see any comments past that time anyway.

Leo Payout distribution

To sum up once again what happens with your upvote to the Not-a-Lottery: 60% of my payouts go into the price pool of the Not-a-Lottery in 8 days, 20% go into a fund for better art, 20% go to me for organizing the whole thing. After I have got the artwork for the Not-a-Lottery that I want 80% of my payouts will go into the Not-a-Lottery in 8 days.

hive payouts and HBI shares

Originally I planned to keep the hive payouts, but that did not seem cool, so I will convert all my hive payouts into HBI-Shares that go into the price pool of the Not-a-Lottery 8 days later. It will be rounded, I am too lazy to count pennies here in one way or the other,