Why am I here? - How did I get to Hive?


I decided to join this initiative and write a few lines on how I got to Hive and why I'm still here. My history with Hive is not very long but it's been a very important journey in my life. I hope you enjoy the read.

How did I get to Hive?

Before talking about how I got to Hive, I'll take a step back and talk about when I first heard of Bitcoin, crypto and blockchain.

I believe it was around 2014 or 2015. I used to play some online games at that time and some of the people I used to play with started talking about Bitcoin. Back then, like many people I know, I thought it was all a big scam and wanted nothing to do with it so I just ignored everything they said and moved on with my life.

A few years later, in 2018, I was going through a career transition and I had some free time so I was looking for ways to make money online and that's how I stumbled upon Steem. I created an account there but I didn't really understand what it was about and so I quit only a few days after I joined.

Fast forward to January 2021, I was at home, drunk, enjoying my new year's vacation when I suddenly remembered about Steem and decided to give it another go. I still wasn't sure what to do so I decided to search online for tips on how to use Steem optimally and that's how I found out about everything that went down with you know who and I also discovered that a new, better community had been created and that's how I joined Hive.


Why am I still here?

Well, I first joined Steem because I was looking for different ways to make money so I would be lying if the promises of being able to live off my activities on the Hive blockchain aren't a huge incentive for me to keep coming back here every day but the truth is that the more time I spend here, the more I find reasons to stay.

I met so many interesting people from different parts of the world who taught me a lot about crypto, blockchains and Hive itself. It really feels like a community. People really want you to feel welcome and many will go the extra mile to make sure you actually do.

In the end, I think the product of a great community with solid projects being developed all the time and a true potential to change a lot of lives and, perhaps, the very way we see the world, are more than enough to make me stay and, more than that, to make me want to have more and more people here with me.

What about you?

How did you get to Hive and why are you still here?

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