First Saturday Savers Saturday as a LEO orca!

Hello Hello Lions Bees and Saturday Savers

This is my fifth week as a Saturday Saver and time is hurtling at full pelt to the end of the year.

Did you participate in the #lpud Leo Power Up Day on 15th August? I did and was lucky enough to win a 20k LEO Power delegation for three weeks making me an Orca for three weeks.

How fluffing cool is that! Thank you to @leogrowth for that!

I strongly suggest that you participate in the next #lpud on 15th September, after all you could be lucky too:)

This is week 34 and we are now down to only 18 weeks to hit my goals as a Saturday Savers Club member.

saturday savers clubweek 34.jpg

source Image by Alexa from Pixabay modified by me in

How did I get on?

I would say that as usual it was a mixed bag of success!

My primary goal is to progress my HP to 2500 by the end of the year. This means that I need to gain an average of 49.5 HP per week, and last week my author rewards were 29.67 HP and 17.93 HBD.
My curation reward was 1.77 HP.

This is pretty much constant now for me when it comes to author rewards posting seven days a week.

Luckily I gained some HP for coming second in the engagement league. People keep saying engage engage to get better rewards. I do finish in the top 3 of HEL most weeks, so am very grateful for the HP I receive for that. I guess I am either engaging with the wrong people, or my posts are not good enough quality, or I am just unlucky with rewards.

However, Hive for me is a social site, so I shall keep engaging who I engage with and carry on with the writing of posts that I enjoy writing.

Weekly rewards 42.75 HP (last time it was 43.59 HP)



Saturday Savers Club

This is the fifth week being a Saturday Savers club member, and I joined with my savings partner @coquicoin and we have a gained a fierce determined savers child in @deraaa

If you want to know more about the club then do check out Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | 2022 Launch and FAQs

There is no pressure, you just pick some goals and publish your progress reports every so often.

I have made a leofinance #thread for more information if any of you want to join our little fun team, hint hint @jane1289 and this is something that you might like too @breadchamp and @bmjc98

Check out the #thread and I shall make it a threadstorm!

Saturday Savers Club Goals

I have split my goals into three sections.
Firstly my primary, then my secondary and lastly my tipping token goals.

My 4 Primary Goals


I am on track to hit my HP goal of 2500 but not to increase the goal!
My LP needs to grow and I need to power up about 400 LEO for the next #lpud
Hopefully I might gain some LEO curaton rewards with my increased orca LP vote for the next three weeks.

My EDS Mini Miner (EDSMM) now live! goal is still on track.
HBD is down as I shuffle HBD to get other tokens.

My Secondary Goals


☑️ Rising Star Goal On Track ~ Millionaire Card Mission earning 11,000 starbits every day

I increased my DHEDGE goal from250 to 1000. There is something gratifying when you see more tokens drip into your wallet from holding one token!

My Tipping Token Goals


I upped my LUV goal to 500, the other tokens are coming along.
LOLZ are going abit crazy with all the news coming from them.


All I can so was it was nothing special apart from one thing. I am on track with my HP goal which is still my primary goal.

Overall an average week, but because I won a #lpud 20k LP delegation for three weeks I will give myself one extra point!!

Now for the fun.

My grade ~ I give myself 7 out of 10

That is my baseline savings plan, and I shall monitor and revise any tokens to be added for my progress reports on a Saturday.

This is NOT and in no way is it meant to be investment advice. As always please do your own research before investing.

There you go that's my week 34 savings and progress report.
To get involved do check out @eddie-earner or @susie-saver for details about the Saturday Savers Club and activities for this week, you could even win something! I just want to say a big thank you to @shanibeer for running all of this.


Many thanks to @raj808 for the banner design 🙂

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