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Helping others pays off in Saturday Savers 46

Hello Hello Lions and Saturday Savers

Today is Saturday and I am posting this on a Saturday!!!

No it isn't snowing, however it is fluffing dreich that is for sure!

It is time for my Saturday Savers Club post, week 46!

Perhaps because there is no domestic top tier football to distract me I am writing this after having completed my figures.

I kept with the lead image from last week about podcasting, because yes we are still doing the daily podcast 🤣 (although we are on episode behind which I am trying to catch up with today!)

Well if you want a laugh, I would love it if you check it out ...

Transatlantic Accents: A Comedy Podcast

In particular this episode my savings partner @coquicoin got me all tongue tied with Auyama!
Click here to listen

If for any reason it does not play, and this is for you @coquicoin this is the RSS Feed ...

However, @coquicoin shouldn't need Spotify to listen to your podcast. Share your RSS feed with @coquicoin and they will be able to put that into their podcast listening app of choice. RSS is cool like that. 😉

So let's flex some of my results from week 46

This year I am participating in Saturday Savers Club right from the beginning (if you have not participated then there is still time!).

The Table for Week 46

Let's get down and dirty and review these figures!

Primary Goals

☑️ I added 116 HP for the week . This has been my best week in forever it seems! Suffice to say I am fluffing chuffed with that!

☑️ I added 227 LP for the week, I am now in the process of saving again my $LEO until I have set aside 150 Leo for #lpud. I participated in lpud and sent 50 $LEO to @zyzymena so she could paricipate in her first LPUD.


☑️ I had stopped until next year. However you can see I have 1 withdrawal.
I saved 25HBD this week but have withdrawn it lol.
The reason being I gave someone who I have been friends with for years $42 to do some day trading. Her bestie and someone I also know is an twitter influencer for one of the COSMOS tokens. Well they put their wee heads together and that $42 I gave them they turned into $204! So I shall give them more as that beats the 20%APR. But if truth be told I shall be doing both.

Secondary Goals

My Layer 2 were pretty static! But I did get some more INK, HIQS and SIM...

Basically, the HIQS and INK are coming into my wallet by virtue of playing @craftink

Be good to see more Hivians get involved in CraftInk, the guys and girls at HiQ (@hiq and @hiq.magazine ) have done so much to make Hive more interesting for us all.

Why no go and support them by playing their game. They are not going anywhere, sometimes life sucks, you see so many projects being flooded with $$$ yet other ones who are out and out Hivians with the blockchain at heart get ignored. Sucks I guess :(

The SIMS are also gained by a game, this time dcity!

Leo Power Up Day #LPUD ~ 15th November 2023

Do you participate in LPUD?

I powered up the LION attack amount and as I mentioned I sent someone 50 $LEO so they could power up for their first lpud.

I was fortunate enough to win a 10k LP delegation from @alexvan in the October edition of LPUD. So thank you Alex.

With the extra curation rewards I sent 50 $LEO to @zyzymena to power her for her first LPUD!

And guess what fluffing happened?

She only went and won a 5k LP delegation in the LPUD contest!!!

That just made my day, Random Acts of Kindness just never get old!

I also invite you @zyzymena to come and join us in Saturday Savers, I will tag you on this weeks post so you can see what it is all about!

My rating, I give myself a 9.5/10

We are still podcasting daily!

I gained over 100 HP and over 200 LP

I donated LEO so someone could power up for LPUD and she won a prize of a 5k LP delegation!

This is NOT and in no way is it meant to be investment advice. As always please do your own fluffing research before investing.

There you go that's my week 46 savings and progress report.
To get involved do check out @eddie-earner or @sally-saver for details about the Saturday Savers Club and activities in this week's report, you could even win something! I just want to say thanks to @shanibeer for running all of this.

I hope my savings partner @coquicoin-leo and @coquicoin had a good savings week 🤣 ! I think I peaked this week 🤣

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!

All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless identified in the post text.
@tengolotodo.leo for (@tengolotodo) November 18th 2023


Haste Ye Back!