Netflix Crypto Documentary: An Attack To Crypto Or A Lesson To Investors?

Netflix is one of the biggest and possibly the most influential film company in the world and they've release their long awaited documentary on crypto some days back. The documentary named "Trust No One: The Hunt For The Crypto King" is film that follows the story of crypto investors and how they try to unravel the mystery behind the suspicious and untimely death of the Gerald Cotten, the owner of the exchange Quadriga Fintech Solution, which died just after the company filed for bankruptcy.

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I checked out the trailer for the documentary and couldn't help but take note of some things that made this documentary look and feel like an attack to the crypto world. First, looking at the poster for the documentary, I asked myself, why use a bloody thumbprint and bitcoin logo for events that literally didn't involve any spillage of blood? This could be Netflix's way of preaching how deadly and bloody crypto could be and it's a really wrong signal to any new investor or a crypto newbie.

Secondly, I noted how they portrayed the main character, Gerald Cotton, a young man, desperate, rebellious, in a haste, a want it all, cunning and mischievous which may be true but for the first documentary about crypto , do they really have to paint crypto that bad? What about the decentralization, freedom, liberation and privileges that comes with crypto millions of people currently enjoy?

These didn't really sit well me with me and I somehow felt the documentary may be an attack to cryptos and everyone involved in them.

For years now, Netflix hasn't really made any move to recognise and adopt crypto as a form of transaction and the company has been kinda indifferent about the whole crypto movement. So why would the first documentary they would make on crypto be about the scam, uncertainty and fraud aspects? Why not a movie on Satoshi and how Bitcoin came to existence? ( I would definitely love to watch that). Like educate people about cryptos first before letting them take sides.

To conclude, regardless of how the company may have painted crypto in the documentary, I won't want us to miss the important message; Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins. Storing money on an exchange or giving money to anyone to invest for you may end really bad. I've learnt this first hand not once, not twice and have made it a thing to get proper knowledge of the platform I'm investing in before taking any action.

I'll be looking forward to the release of this documentary and may give my takes on what I think about it later. Here's the link to the trailer.

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