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How I Learnt The Art Of Strategic Negotiation And Bargaining.

Among the many core life skills I believe every one should have like cooking, swimming, two of them have proven very important in my life and as I grow older, I appreciate that I am skilled to a satisfactory level in these areas. These are strategic negotiations and bargaining, both of which I learnt mostly from time with my parents. I believe these skills are so important and should be included in school curriculums as trading and negotiations are a part of the humans lives.


I learnt how to strategically negotiate and compromise from my mother whenever I followed her to the market. It was always embarrassing sometimes hearing how she negotiated and there were times when I felt she took her negotiations to the extreme, but it's surprising how she ended up purchasing whatever she was negotiating at a very low price I wouldn't have thought the seller would sell at those prices.

So here's a typical routine of my mother's negotiation. She'd walk into a shop, ask for the price of a good and starts bidding from about 1/10 of the price given and its not like she didn't have the money. She would bid and they'd sometimes insult her as being too petty and I'd start feeling embarrassed, but guess what, when she starts leaving, they'd call her back and I'd be so surprised. After doing this with her for a couple years, it also became a part of me and I carry our my negotiations in a language I can speak so fluently and confident in.

From my time with going to the market with her, I understood the value of most things aren't stationary, even so called high class goods and services. All can be negotiated unless the person selling strictly doesn't allow negotiations and doesn't want buyers that negotiate. This sort of option however fits only those who have so much to spend and aren't really concerned about the initial value of the product they're buying. This unfortunately allows some sellers to take the advantage of high class and sell even super cheap products for high prices because of their brand and this is why somethings like eating out, luxury shoppings and high class treatments aren't favorable for anyone who wants to be financially free.

Negotiation and bargaining can be very tricky and heated sometimes and is a skill that would make anyone successful if they're so good at it. It takes alot of patience, skills, concrete knowledge of what we're either buying or selling and also knowledge of thr market. All these out together makes a great trader and negotiator.