Crypto And Blockchain Literacy Are As Important As Owning Cryptocurrencies.

We can assume that a very large population of the crypto community tend to educate themselves after purchasing a cryptocurrencies because firstly, they feel there are way too many projects and almost all these projects claim to be the messiah, secondly, alot of people would rather invest first and then eduacte themselves after just so they don't miss out and also since many of them have no long term plans for the projects they're investing in and since they have the attitude of just aping on anything their guts tell them , they feel there's no need to educate themselves on the project they're getting involved with.


However, the reality is that, to grow in the crypto space, owning a bunch of cryptocurrencies is not enough. Yes, a person could get lucky success by randomly buying some cryptocurrencies they know nothing about, but you'd barely see that happen as there are lots of projects out there created to feed on ignorance. Learning about/ education ourselves on crypto matters is definitely the best way to stay afloat in this space and this habit is what actually makes some of the most successful people in the world today become who they are. Learning about things like what makes a project unique, the utility and flaws of the project, its competitors, ways to make the project better and generally learning about things that would enhance our experience and knowledge on crypto matters is paramount for growth in this space.

I understand learning and educating ourselves may seem difficult since most people involved in crypto alrwady have a busy life, but life every other form of investment and business in the world, only those who truly know about what they're into would keep succeeding and staying at the top of their game.

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