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Bring Your Fam To Leo: Introducing @biggerpicturez and Reintroducing A Dormant Lion.

I'd like to use this opportunity to invite two of my closest buddies already on the Hive blockchain to the Leofinance community. The first is @biggerpicturez who I onboarded to Hive many months ago, but hasn't been quite active for a while now due to school. He's been less busy now and I've personally had to talk to him about the importance of joining communities like Leofinance. Actually, he was one of those I had preached the gospel of Leo to just around the same time I became active in the community but, he felt like he wasn't such a good writer and maybe his contents (Forex analysis) won't be welcomed.

I gave him some tips on writing welcoming and enticing posts especially those that won't tend to look like an abuse of the chain as we've seen with people who just post two pictures and very few sentences with respect to the images. I shared my posts with him as an example and also told him to check through the posts of some wonderful authors in the community as a guide. Well, he's back now and hopefully we should be seeing his first post in the community any time from now.

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Secondly, I'd love to bring back one of my main men of Hive back to the Leofinance community, @Abdex9. Man is a busy bee and has very little time for blogging these days but is super active in the crypto world. He shares his post every once a while but now I'm hoping to make him an active member of the community through this post after so many verbal and physical attempts. Lol..Sorry Man, I know I'm a dead meat already for doing this, but I have to do it.

You see, joining the Leofinance community isn't just about new lions just joining the community and going away. The beauty of Leofinance the activeness of all its community members with includes both curators and bloggers. I believe both @biggerpicturez and @abdex9 are well suited for the community and have quite alot skills and knowledge that can contribute to the growth of the Leofinance community and I just felt it was great to Introduce them back to most active community on Hive and watch them grow to become better bloggers. Can't wait for your next post guys!!! 😉