ChatBots: Becoming Like Mobile Operating Systems

Whether you like OpenAI or not, especially in light of the Sam Altman situation, is not really relevant. What we are witnessing is truly amazing.

The race for artificial intelligence supremacy is on. Many are tossing their hat into the ring in an effort to get ahead of the others. This is viewed as a winner take all contest, something that many fear.

Was the core of the Altman debacle "AGI"? We will likely never know. However, we are seeing a massive move by this company that is similar to what we saw 15 years ago.

Apple, followed by Google, became the default operating systems for mobile phones. These companies built multi-billion trillion enterprises around this concept. It is something that we are seeing repeated with OpenAI.

Introducing GPT

According to a post by the company, we are looking at a new model for GPTs going forward. The future is in allowing customization and development by the community. This is where OpenAI is going to create an ecosystem around their technology, leading others to keep feeding into it.

Here is what the company stated:

We’re rolling out custom versions of ChatGPT that you can create for a specific purpose—called GPTs. GPTs are a new way for anyone to create a tailored version of ChatGPT to be more helpful in their daily life, at specific tasks, at work, or at home—and then [share that creation with others.

This is essentially how the ecosystem expand.

The idea is to have developers working on customized GPT that are designed for specific purposes. These will be loaded into a store where others can purchase it. The developer will be able to make some money with OpenAI, presumably, taking a cut.

It was a very successful model for Apple.

Since OpenAI is credited with having the best Chatbot technology, it is the leader up to this point. If reports are true that the next generation (I believe it will be 5) is mind-blowing, it might be a tough outfit to catch.

The Mobile Phone Model

Is OpenAI going to succeed following the mobile phone model? Is this primed to be expanding into a new technology?

There is no reason to think it will not work again. When dealing with a digital platform, regardless of the technology, it is a proven model. Whether we are dealing with Apple, Facebook, or Amazon, all continue to grow their revenues based upon this same formula.

When you have a large number of users, that can be monetized in many ways. One of the benefits of a digital platform is the users are the ones who often provide the product (or they are the product).

We all know that social media companies only make money due to the input of the user base. A couple companies (YouTube and X) are returning some of the revenue to the creators but it is a small amount compared to the overall.

OpenAI is following suit. The developers of the customized GPTs are going to give the company something that it can sell repeatedly. While the individual could get some payout, OpenAI is guaranteed to get a piece for providing the platform.

This is likely going to result in a bunch of developer rushing to get their GPTs up there. Of course, OpenAI is making it sound like this is for the benefit of everyone else.

Show We Be Concerned

Some are wondering how advanced what OpenAI is working on is. I do not profess to be an expert at the technical details so I can only go by what others are saying.

It seems that this company is onto something. Even with the idea of a swarm of GPTs, many feel this could be to massive breakthroughs in the next year. Here is where many believe OpenAI is ahead of the rest.

Since they are tied to Microsoft, the company has access to plenty of compute. The key is, as always, monetization. Running this stuff is expensive and Altman doesn't have very deep pockets (at least compared to the likes of Musk, Google, and Amazon). However, they do appear to have a plan for monetization which supersedes the rest. This could be a windfall financially, something that will have to push the others to TRY and catch up.

Are we heading towards AI dystopia? That is still a question that is hotly debated. So far, the Chatbot technology is rather primitive in what it can do. When we step back, we realize it is nothing more than glorified search....for now.

We cannot presume this is the limit. In fact, we have to believe we will see massive progress forward. The LLMs are still accelerating, although some feel the pace is slowing. Either way, we know the technology will be improved 6 months from now considering what is taking place.

Social media is filled with videos and articles about AGI and the Singularity. AI experts are all over the board as to where they believe that stands. Even more importantly, they are split on how soon it will happen.

Is this the end of humanity? Personally, I do not believe so. AI is less of a threat in my view to humans than we are to ourselves. With some of the crackpots in the world and the way some other technologies are advancing, we could see more destruction (and death) at the hands of individuals.

Time will tell how this all plays out. Technology is always a double edge sword.

As they say, with fire people could cook food. It also allowed villages to be burned to the ground.

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