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Where Is The Dystopia?

Hollywood likes to give us the end of the world scenarios. This helps to feed into human's biological tendency towards negativity bias. Of course, we find that most of these scenarios are not even remotely close to reality.

One area that we see this being the case is with technology. There are many out there who talk about our "AI Overlords" and how technology is going to destroy humanity. They paint the picture of a world where the few are in control of everything whereas the masses are nothing more than redundant.


The reality is that technology has always enhanced humanity. In fact, all progress forward can be attributed to the advancements in technology. Whether it was the discovery of fire or harnessing of electricity, each event pushed us forward a great deal.

It is worth nothing that technology is mostly neutral. The purpose is determined by the users. Hence, technology can be a double-edged sword depending upon who is using it.

For example, fire could be used to cook our food. That is a positive. At the same time, people learned they could burn down the towns of other people. Here is the negative side of it. The bomb on Nagasaki exhibits the downside to atomic energy yet the homes that are powered by it is the upside.

In spite of this, people are still looking for the doom and gloom scenario to arise. This is something that we see splattered across the Internet. In fact, this mindset, online at least, is in its third decade.

My only question to this is where is the dystopia? In fact, isn't it ironic that people are able to espouse a view to more than 5 billion people with simply the touch of a button. And yet we think things are getting worse? Presidents and world leaders in the past had an impossible time reaching that many people. Nevertheless, anyone with an Internet connection has the ability to reach billions with a post on Facebook or YouTube.

Of course, technology is not without its problems. We do see many issues arising that require solutions. However, most often technology improves upon what it replaces. This can cause issues for those being disrupted yet, over the long term, helps millions (if not billions) of people.


Presently, we are looking at a very powerful technology emerging before our eyes. This is part of a larger process of the "digitization of everything". We are watching the foundation for an entirely new financial system being put in place. Yet people still take the same mindset to it as they do with everything else.

Probably at the top of the list is the idea that governments and other entities are going to stop the progress of digital assets. This is not going to happen. We are watching the Great Race take place, pitting the established system against those developing technology. The problem is that many from the mainstream system are already siding with the development. Thus, the bedfellows keep changing, really making it difficult for governments to figure out what is going on.

Already, we see millions of people who are already in better financial position than they were when they started. This is common in bull markets since most people's accounts are in the green. However, even during the bear, many kept building to put themselves in this situation. This is only going to continue as we move through this decade.

Nevertheless, many people are still awaiting the bust. They are espousing how all of this is going to end. Certainly, markets do up and down but technology keeps moving ahead. There is no stopping the shift to digital assets. This is going to unleash the biggest boom humanity ever saw. As Hester Pierce, the only way to stop this is to turn off the Internet.

In spite of this, we will see many posting online about how this is all going to end. We can expand this point of view out to all technology that is being worked upon today. There will be those espousing the same tired idea of a dystopian future. Of course, many of them are selling some agenda or idea. These people know the power of fear.


The control mechanism is a problem. This is why the push towards decentralized systems is so vital. Humanity benefitted greatly from a hierarchical structure for the last few hundred years. However, that has run its course. Technology put a great deal more knowledge, ability, and power in people's hands. Thus, centralized control is showing itself to be a very flawed system.

People who are in power want to remain there. They are going to do everything they can to operate like nothing is any different. When they feel things slipping away, they only grab on tighter. This is the point we are at now.

We do see, however, the ability to counteract this. The same technology that allows them to control also provides the pathway to freedom. It really only comes down to hundreds of millions of people turning their backs on the centralized entities and opting for something else. Of course, that something else has to exist before people can do that.

It is what is being constructed now.

For all the backlash people have against technology and human advancement, would anyone prefer to live in the 1920s as compared to today? Would you like to go back to the 1970s? Or even the 1870s? For all the whining people do, is there anyone who thinks there was a better time in history to live?

Does that mean our world is perfect? Far from it. We have a lot of issues. However, people have access to a lot more than they did even a few decades ago. This is something often overlooked.

Isn't ironic how those who complain about the plight of the world do so on a mobile device using a communication system that cost billions to establish and do so basically for free?

Yeah things really suck.

We are in the middle of the struggle between the old and the new. This is especially true in finance. The old guard is fighting to remain relevant while new technology is offering more to the masses. This tug-o-war is going to play out for a while yet history shows us that the disruption ends up winning in the end.

The motto is adapt or die. As we witnessed in many other industries, history is filled with entities that did not adapt. In fact, we can surmise that most ended up dying. Adaption is not something we tend to excel at in the short-term.

Nevertheless, the dystopian future that people like to serve up usually comes with an agenda. It is best to ignore those scenarios since they are highly unlikely. As we progress forward, our technological advancements become part of us. We construct the world around us based upon them.

As this spreads throughout the world, we will see continued progress. Many will not believe it, still looking for the saber toothed tiger around the next turn.

It is something that some cannot overcome.

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