Web 3.0 Is Going To Bring Rise To The Middle Class

We all have heard about Web 3.0. It is the new craze, kind of like the term "Metaverse". However, unlike the latter, Web 3.0 is actually in the process of being developed.

This evolution to the Internet is going to seriously impact people all over the world. It is a step forward that will completely change society. For this reason, we see attacks from the usual suspects.

It is enough to make one wonder if all the conspiracy theorists were right about the elites.

Either way, we are now embarking upon a path that is going to offer billions opportunities they never saw before. This could reverse major trends that were in place over the last 40 years.



The Reemergence of the Middle Class

It is no secret the middle class in developed countries was carved out over the last few decades. We are now to the point where there are basically two sets of people: rich and not rich. The wealth and income divide is only increasing.

While we can spent a thousand articles discussing the reasons why, at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. What is important is the situation is present and how do we solve it.

Web 3.0 is a solution. Over the next few years, people are going to realize how vital this is.

The majority of people live solely on their incomes. Each day, billions in the developed world sign up for the time for money program. They spend 9 or 10 hours of their lives doing things to help increase the wealth of others. For this, they get a few numbers on a paycheck that, in many instances, doesn't even cover all their bills.

For those who are lucky, there might be a few investments. This is often in the form of a [401K(@leoglossary/leoglossary-401k) or some other retirement program. It is helpful yet hardly a path to financial independence.

None of this is should come as a surprise. The two major sources for people are:

  • income
  • investments

Naturally, the wealthy tend to excel at the second one.

Here is where Web 3.0 can really help.

Adding a Third Layer

We are seeing a new model of money generation entering the picture. This is due to the emergence of cryptocurrency. It is already starting to help people out.

One of the primary benefits of Web 3.0 is going to come in the form of staking.

It is an activity that, when mass adoption is reached, is going to fuel the monetary situation for billions of people. Today, billions spend hours online, enriching the likes of Facebook and Google. With Web 3.0, part of that is going to end up in the wallets of the individuals.

Of course, once the coins or tokens arrive, one has to do something with them. This is the starting point for an entirely different life.

As projects develop, we should see the number of games and applications tied to blockchain explode. This will offer plenty of opportunity for people to amass cryptocurrency. By staking some of those tokens, another source of income starts flowing.

For most, it is missed how powerful this truly is. People can be rewarded for engaging in similar activities as they are already undertaking. The difference is now, once rewarded, there is a financial basis to work from.

With decentralized finance (DeFi) expanding, we see the potential of putting that money to work. This is vital for wealth generation.

Another stage that we will likely go through is the path from online only to having choices in the real world. Part of the crypto evolution, in my opinion, is for it to become a funding mechanism for businesses and ventures in the physical world. This will only expand the number of opportunities people have.

Getting Started

One of the challenges for most people is to get started with their investing. This all stems from the fact that there is no money to invest. Becoming an investor often requires at least some resources. When the entire paycheck is going to bills, it is rather difficult.

Web 3.0 solves this problem. People are already amassing tokens and coins each day for doing everyday activities. On a blockchain such as Hive, we see people being rewarded on both the base and second layer.

This opens the door to an entirely new world. People can take their cryptocurrency and stake it for more rewards. It is a process that generates passive income, something else that is vital to basic wealth building.

People are going to be able to generate thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars, each year through their online activity. With Web 3.0, we all are effectively a business. This means the potential to add to our bottom line exists.

From this point forward, it will only grow.

Fill those bags and start staking. It will be of great benefit down the road.

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