The Secret To Hive Success: Get Busy

Many are looking to the "Secret Path to Success". There is a very large industry out there that is willing to sell people the "secrets" to success in anything. No matter what the topic, making money online, weight loss, relationships, or living happier, someone has a program they will sell providing those answers.

Of course, often the only reason those people are successful is because other buy their products. How often has the relationship expert ended up getting divorced? Or the financial expert ends up filing bankruptcy?

This is a situation that happens all the time.


Hive is no different. People come to this platform, looking for the "secrets" of what it takes for success. Fortunately, it is very simple; so simple anyone can follow.

The secret is: Get Busy.

That is the magic. It is how one can go from zero to hero in one easy step.

It sounds off but that is all there is to it.

Hive is based, at least in part these days, on post, comment, and upvote. This is where the starting point is. We can extend that idea out a bit more because of the introduction of gaming on the platform. Also, with NFTs, many artists are finding a revenue stream through that medium.

Nevertheless, whatever the path, which there are many, get busy. It all starts with the first comment made. In fact, comments are a sensational way to grow one's account. It is a path to gaining recognition from other community members while also starting to generate some rewards. Comments are now being upvoted, especially on some of the tribes. This is a terrific starting point.

Whatever the path, start now. If gaming is your preference, choose one and start playing. Go on the first quest or mission. Take up that first battle. Pull the virtual arm of that gaming system.

It does not matter much what it is, just do something.

Now is the ideal time to get started. In fact, it is a point where excitement should be high. The token price is down. It sounds crazy that is a cause for celebration but, if you are looking to make an impact on Hive, it is best to start when the competition is the lowest.

When token price goes down, activity follows. The reverse is also true. Thus, when people join during manias in token price, they get buried as the number of posts increase substantially.


There is another piece to the puzzle. Fortunately, there is no buying of the advanced course required.

The second "secret", if you will, to the path of success if this: Time.

Just allow time to pass. Get busy and let the sands of time flow. How simple is that? Time goes by regardless so it isn't as if we have to do anything on that end. We simply are busy on Hive while time moves along.

In other words, this is not an overnight process. Do not expect everything to happen instantly. Like anything in life, there is a building process. Each day, more progress is made which puts one a bit further ahead than the day before.

We all want the instant gratification. In the past, the idea of overnight financial windfalls were touted. This was misleading while also setting people up for extreme disappointment.

A more measured approach needs to be made. One should take ownership for what he or she is doing. There are financial aspects to this, which means one needs to have an entrepreneurial mindset. We each, effectively, are our own businesses.

There is a saying in networking groups that "Givers Get". Hive is like that also. Those who come to the platform only operating from the premise of what they can get out of it end up leaving disappointed. Behavior like that is not rewarded.


Of course, this should not be surprising. In few fields is this a path to success. How many businesses lose customers because they operate, exclusively, in their own best interest and not of their customers? That is a quick route to diminishing numbers.

Hive is a form of a cooperative. The same is true for many of the tribes. With tokenization, users become owners to a degree. Thus, the other "partners" are not real embracing of a new one coming in solely to take from the organization.

Ultimately, the success is dependent upon all of us. At the same time, each person's account will benefit as the entire platform grows. This is true whether there is 100 HIVE or 1 million in the wallet.

On here, activity can be rewarded. However, it requires a lot of it taken, consistently, over long periods of time. If one is expecting Hive to be the next "get rich quick" story of his or her life, things will not turn out well.

After all, there is a program for $49.95 one can buy that promises to deliver great wealth in 30 days. Perhaps that is a better path to instant riches.

For those who are willing to put in the effort, the rewards are here.

That is the secret.

That said, a great way to Get Busy is by leaving a comment for this article. It is a great starting point.

If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.

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