How To Increase You Results On Hive

We all were there.

You start on Hive, with no following. The first post you put together is a masterpiece. You spend a great deal of time on it and hit publish. As the day goes by, nobody is upvoting your post. It is almost as if they did not see it.

The last sentence is likely the reality.

With Hive, we are dealing with social media. Content creators need to realize a great deal of the success, in addition to writing articles that people are interested in, is gaining a following. This is true for those on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. And yes, Boo Boo, it is also true on Hive.

So how can you increase the number of people who see your articles thus increasing your earnings?

Here are a few tips that should help out.


Join A Community

If you are writing about something specific, see if there is a way to tag an appropriate community.

Here is a couple of examples:

  • Writing about business, investing, or affiliate marketing, use #leo and #ctp.
  • Posting about something to do with STEM, use that tag for StemGeeks

There are also some generic tags you can use such as #proofofbrain, #pal, and #neoxian that could help get a bit more exposure on your post.

Of course, be careful of tag-spamming. If doing something with cooking, that does not warrant the #stem tag.

Also, if you use some of the associated front end, like Leofinance or CTPtalk, you will find the people there will be receptive to you if you get involved and show dedication to the community. It will not happen overnight but it is a way to get to know people.


The second way to get more attention is to use ListNerds. This is an opt-in email project that allows people a way to "earn" emails that can be sent out. If one gets active in there, he or she can get the ability to send a weekly email out to thousands of addresses.

While many of these are not active, it is not uncommon for an email sent out on ListNerds to get 100 or so views. Often that is not based upon the author of the email. People are actually incentivized to open the emails.

Not only will this get more readers and comments (the ListNerds community is good about commenting), just the process could earn you some ListNerd tokens. here is an example of where one is rewarded for marketing his or her own stuff.

You can sign up here.

POSH on Twitter

This is another incentive on Hive to share content, this time outside the ecosystem. POSH is designed to reward people in both HIVE and POSH. When one sends out his or her own stuff, the HIVE portion goes to the Decentralized Hive Fund (DHF). However, if the work of others is send out, any upvotes the automated POSH comments receives goes to those who shared it.

Here is a fresh article on some tips about using POSH.

Again, here is a project whereby one is potentially rewarded for marketing content. The incentive structure is such where one can get a few more followers, some tokens or coins, and become part of the community that is looking to help get Hive some attention.

Be sure to link your Twitter account here if you are going to POSH.

Drop The Post On LeoThreads

This is a relatively new addition to Hive, one that is still in early beta. That said, it is a microblogging feature that will allow you to drop the link to your post along with a few words.

Just like with sending something out on Twitter, the #thread might catch the attention of a few more readers. Since LeoThreads is still not heavily populated, it is easy to stand out. Keep posting there on a daily basis and some will get to know you. Engagement on Hive is key.

It should come as no surprise that #threads are also eligible for rewards. Since they are the same as comments on a blog post, they operate under the Proof-of-Brain mechanism. This means any value tied to the upvotes is split 50/50 between author and curators (those upvoting).

Since it is done on the front end, one can receive both HIVE and LEO. Naturally, this is not going to make anyone rich but we are seeing some people get a few cents here and there for their #threads. Again, over time, that all starts to add up.

Even though the Leofinance community is focused upon investing, finance, and cryptocurrency, the #thread feature is open to any content. So while your article about cats is not appropriate for the #leo tag, it is perfectly acceptable to send the link out on #threads. LeoThreads is a general purpose feature meaning it accepts all genre of content.

You can start your threading here.

In Conclusion

These are a few tools that are available to content creators on Hive. None of them are magical solutions that will suddenly set you on the path to retirement. Like anything in life, success on Hive comes from effort, engagement, and spending time building. However, these features could help anyone, especially new people, get a bit more attention.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. However, for those who understand the concept of content creation and marketing, Hive is forming a nice plate of tools for people to use. Over time, we are going to see more added. For this reason, it is good to get in early and start making a name for oneself.

As always, one of the best ways to get noticed on Hive is to comment on the articles other post. Engagement is not a one-way street. If you seek to help out others, some will, in turn, begin to return the favor.

These are just a few ways to increase your results on Hive.

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