Hive: What An Amazing Week

It was one week ago that Hive came online.

And what an amazing week it was.

The fork from Steem went off well. When we consider the fact that this was in the making for only a few weeks, the fact that the fork itself took place without a hitch is incredible. Since that time, the blockchain did not go down but for a DDOS attack. Outside of that, blocks production was flawless.

Of course, when things did go live, the services were behind the curve. This is only natural since they really could not do much until things were in operation. Throughout the day last Friday, we saw progress almost on an hourly basis.

At this time, I think it is apt to give major kudos to the development teams throughout the ecosystem. They all did a wonderful job, not only with the blockchain but also the applications that we have come to love.

On the front end, we have and Peakd to use. These are the counterparts to and Steempeak. Both worked throughout the week although some features were missing, especially on One of the major updates was the addition of the Hive wallet. This went live the other day.

A site was set up to monitor the DApp that transitioned over to Hive.

Steem2Hive monitors the total DApps and where they stand with the two blockchains.


While 14 have switched, the number that were on Steem before the hard fork numbers in the 70s. What this tells me is that some have turned off their services on Steem and could be in the process of transitioning over.

Here we can see some of the ranking on


@eonwarped put out a post detailing the progress on getting Tribes to work on Hive as well as Steem. This provides the Tribe owners with the option of where they reside.

A number of Tribes are already on Hive.



There are many other things that I could write about here but it would end up getting way too long. We now have the ability to set autovoters. Just this morning I saw a post by @holger80 talking about his that is now live on Hive.


One thing we need to mention is that HIVE is now being traded on a number of exchanges. While slow to start, in addition to Blocktrades and Steem-Engine, we saw Bittrex and Binance establish pairs. The token is now listed on Coingecko and

Unfortunately, neither site has HIVE accurately ranked since the marketcap is not being calculated as of yet. Here is a snapshot from Coingecko.


As we can see, the excitement of Hive translated, thus far, into the token price. We will see if this is nothing more than an early pump or a foundation being set.

With the attention the Steem community received during the stand-off with Justin Sun, we could be witnessing newer entrants into this market.

Regardless of what is taking place there, I think we can safely say that Hive had an amazing first week.

Now on to Week 2.

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