You got vote

Last night I made a little bit of a voting error. I was using the Engage app that is great for replying to comments quickly, but I didn't realize that my vote weighting settings had reverted to 100% instead of the usual 5%. Does 5% sound stingy?


Actually, I have had it at 5% for quite some time now and it is currently delivering about 11 cents each, which I think is pretty good. Though even when it was only adding 4 cents, it was still adding the same amount of HIVE from the pool.

So anyway, I ended up voting for I think about 12 comments for a total of around 30 dollars worth of votes. Most of the comments I get are pretty okay, but not all probably deserved $2.50 on them. To me, it is a bit funny, things happen.

I think the funniest must have been on this one:


This was their second comment on the platform. Welcome in! That

Since this, I am glad to see that they have indeed found out how to publish something and it looks like they have come directly in through Leo Finance, since that is where their first post went. Is the logo added automatically for new Leo users?

The reason I ask is it always makes me wary when new users come into the platform and are already using alternate interfaces and know the tags. In the past it meant they were "new" users, with the quotations meaning on an alt, but as an old user, I don't know how all the people are signing up these days through the interfaces. It is great that I am losing so much visibility on the ecosystem as it means it is growing - also worrying, as it means I am "losing touch" with something I am quite familiar with.

oh, I just answered my own question for the account above:


It is getting a delegation from @leo.voter which I think indicates it has joined up through the Leo interface. At least, that vote I accidentally gave them should be enough to almost double their HP.

At the end of the day, a lot of people come here to earn and might even get a lot of support, but it isn't the votes that actually keep people here through the bear markets, that are generally longer than the bulls. When people attach their activity to vote values alone, they tend to lose sight of the future of the internet itself, where it isn't about the flash in the pan, it is the longevity of activity that has the value. As people start to just interact regardless of the votes, they tend to do better as they relax more and build real relationships.

I have seen a fair bit of this on my own post, where people who in the past used to comment, no longer do because they are targeting larger value voters. There is nothing wrong with that, it is just that it means that unless they are continually powering up, they are going to be left high and dry when things turn and they have no relationships. Life can be very lonely on Hive if only doing it for the money and when the value shifts direction, many won't make it.

I don't remember who it was, but someone was saying how stupid I was for not selling out at the highs and perhaps they were right. But, three years later, I am still heavily staked on Hive, earning okay daily, as well as being increasingly diversified as I have been able to use other resources to take advantage of the industry maturing. Did they do better by selling? Perhaps, perhaps not, but considering all of the mistakes I have made over the years, I am pretty content with where I currently sit.

I was talking to a colleague today about sinks and how they affect practical supply and this is something that I believe needs to be further concentrated on for Hive. For example, I am a HIVE sink since I don't really powerdown and I keep increasing my stake. However, with DeFi offering insane rates, the people who can't get in otherwise or the maximizers of their value will move their Hive to get into liquidity pools. These are sinks too, but Hive doesn't have much of this kind of sink - it should.

If there was a more compelling reason to stake Hive, more people would stake. If Hive integrated DeFi liquidity into the chain itself, it gives a massive reason to stake Hive on the platform. This would give Hive market scarcity, making it harder to find, driving the value up as people would demand it as it not only gives them the capabilities of DeFi earnings, it can also be used practically for a number of activities on the chain. It'd be pretty awesome - I think.

There is a lot going on these days and it appears that I am not the only one with a splitting focus that draws my attention in 10 ways at once. Sometimes however, this means that mistakes happen, like selling when I planned to buy, buying when I planned to sell and voting with a weight that I normally wouldn't. However, my mistakes are another person's wins and hopefully they will use that vote value to earn a little more on it by staking it for their Hive future.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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