The next swing at risk

A few weeks back I wrote a post about how my wife was looking at getting another job, but since she already has a job, she wasn't applying from a position of desperation, she applied because it was a job she actually wanted. Desperation doesn't do anyone any favors, though it seems to often be what people resort to. When people really want something, they become beggars.


It is a luxury to be able to choose what kind of work one does and it is a luxury that not many are afforded in this world, as people end up having to work to live, leaving no room for choice. Yet, it is also true that most people aren't actually brave enough to chase what they want, because it means taking risks where one can lose what is already held. People like security, even if that security means being financially oppressed for life.

I was talking to a friend just before about this and I was saying how crypto people are a rare breed, as they are far more risk-seeking than the average. What they do goes against the common intuition, the "common sense" - but these senses around money are learned, they are not innate, which is why the average will always struggle, as they do what the average does and the average result is one of always needing and never having the feeling that there is enough to invest into something different. So, people keep living hand to mouth, day after day, hoping they win the lottery.

"Struggle" is the common economic experience, abundance is not. If you want to live a life of abundance, you can't do what the common person is doing, because that is what leads to being stuck in the status quo and even worse, maintains the status quo.

The friend from the conversation:

I have a few friends who ARE struggling
and I can show them a way out... this way... but there is risk..
but returns outweigh the risks

It is hard to take that leap, to enter into a position of risk from a position of struggle, because if one is to lose just a little, things can get much worse - yet, if one is to improve just a little, things can get much better. There is more "swing" in the outcome.

Not much in life changes with a 10% payrise for someone earning 3 million dollars a year, but for someone earning 30,000 a year, it can make a huge difference. The percentage only tells a fraction of the story, but the risk of investment has an asymmetry in it, where the potential change in life gain can far outweigh the cost of the loss.

This is especially true for the "average person" who isn't necessarily struggling to feed themselves, but also isn't living the best version of their lives that enables them to be the best version of themselves through open opportunity. Yet, the common mindset is still there, the risk aversion to loss and the fear that what is lost is going to impact on their life, yet in that range, many could actually find a little extra that if lost, wouldn't change their daily lives much at all.

returns outweigh risks.

But, this is how most people think and this is how most will operate the entirety of their lives, continually working toward a goal that they are unlikely to ever reach and is more likely to get further away, because they aren't willing to take that step outside of their average.

We are creatures of habit and the economy in which we live is a product of habitual process. It is possible to change our habits, to behave in very different ways than we do, but that would mean giving up who we think we are and how we know ourselves to be. We identify with our habits and conditions and believe it is them that make us "us", and we do not want to risk becoming someone else.

It is an interesting conflict in our psychology, as while we want to be in a different position than we are, we also don't want to be any different as ourselves. If what we are doing as ourselves is keeping us from reaching where we want to be and we are unwilling to change, where we want to be will always be a desire, but also an impossibility - or at the very east, highly unlikely.

It is hard to take the swing and enter into risk openly, it is hard to learn the lessons when it fails - but the hardest thing of all is staying the same, because the world is never going to remain as it is, it is always going to change. The common approach is to stay the same until forced and then when forced, become a victim of circumstances - never realizing that at any point in time, another decision can always be made. Few will take a chance in life and instead, will spend their time wanting something different.

Some will continually swing for the fences.

My wife accepted the position she was offered today.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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